The woman who gave the gift responds to last nights post. You - TopicsExpress


The woman who gave the gift responds to last nights post. You guys have amazed me with your willingness to follow this journey. Last night, I sent the post to Rachel (just across the hall) around midnight. This morning, I woke to this from her, typed completely on her small mobile phone. You may want to read last nights post (see comments below) before reading this. (Shared with her permission) Oh my goodness that was SO beautiful. I am sitting here crying. This is so much bigger than just us. I was thinking about everything negative that could have happened, negative things that DID happen and seeing that absolutely beautiful little person with all her fingers and toes and her pretty little eyes and her sweet little freckles and her little long legs and her soft dark hair and I just realized that everything else is irrelevant. I feel so empowered and strong through all of this. I am connected in this way that CANT be articulated (believe me, Ive tried) to someone that I respect and admire and possesses a spirit, mentality and (to be quite frank,) status that I would love to have and hopefully will one day. This process, according to anyone who knows anything about anything, should have been doomed from the very start. There was an opportunity at EVERY single turn for something to go wrong and there were dozens of people, friends foes and complete strangers waiting to say, told ya so. They never got the satisfaction. Confirmation is a word that has been thrown at me so much lately. In retrospect everything that went right was just that, but I think we can all agree that its hard to pat yourself on the back after youve made it up a hill when youre heading toward a steeper mountain. I know that you and Greg are very comfortable in your religion and faith and that you know pretty clearly when God is making his presence known to you. I, in all of my short little life, have never had an experience so pronounced where He has made Himself so known to me as He did on the second floor of Huntsville Hospital for Women and Children. He came to me in a way that I knew exactly who what when where why and how the moment I was on my back and there hadnt been a needle jabbed into it. There are people who were supposed to be there that werent; but, we were exactly where I needed us to be , and I could not imagine it ever going any other way or with anyone else. If that didnt solidify our inexplicable bond I dont know what will. Es is exactly where she is meant to be. I cant wrap my head around how amazing her family is or the magnitude of the things they do and what they have to offer, but boy oh boy I am so excited about this precious little person reaping the benefit of... everything good that she will. Here she is not even 48 hours old teaching us so much, its astounding to think of what she will be teaching and showing on purpose. The magnitude of everything still hasnt quite hit me yet. Baby has been born, lawyers have been seen, papers have been signed but how great this all is will take some time to understand and process. This was and is a journey of strength, faith, love, hope, self discovery, unity, trust, a sense of family, and the deeper I delve the more I understand this to be a journey of obedience as well. The focal point of this in the beginning seemed to be the baby and it has turned out to be so much more for anyone and everyone involved. Lives have been touched, conversations have been started, knowledge has been spread and obtained, faith has been restored, life has been given both literally and figuratively and it is humbling for me to be a link in this chain of AMAZINGNESS and to have this very unfamiliar yet much desired and welcome sense of unity with other human beings. Im just... elated. Im so proud. Im so happy. I love Esther so much for the gifts SHE has given ME. Wow.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 18:22:26 +0000

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