The wonderful Single-Mother I have had the opportunity to - TopicsExpress


The wonderful Single-Mother I have had the opportunity to listen to the depressing and appalling tales and experiences of singles mothers who in most of their narratives wished to have had a happy and wonderful family (husband and children). Most often with teary eyes and dispirited faces – I see wonderful women who in the midst of their single-motherhood remain strong and hopeful. This has led me to share my thoughts on the “Wonderful Single-Mother” There has always been a disparity between men and women in all segments of our society (social, cultural, economic, political, et all). Though the margin is gradually reducing in some sectors yet women continue to be disadvantaged at the family front/structure. In my opinion, the growing disparity between men and women in the family structure is easy to overlook given the fact men always battle for dominance and control – at most times overlooking the aspiration, dreams and even potential of women while exercising their masculinity. This is evident by the growing number of single-mothers in our societies. First-first-time, as we say it in Liberia, the death of a baby’s father (spouse), divorce and separation were the major causes of single-motherhood. Interestingly, from my observation, I have come to realize that the major cause nowadays is that some men are not standing up to the task of being fathers or have lied to women, got them impregnated and went jubilating like they have won a contest. This unmanly and inhumane attitude of these men has left many women (single-mothers) in a very devastating position; to cater for their child/children thus increasing their spending, reducing their earning and rendering them vulnerable to varying issues. When asked, where is your child or children father? The answer is usually “with his wife and family” or I don’t know. The conversations with single-mothers report that a lot of women are made single-mothers by either married men or men who are in a very serious relationship without considering the effects on the mother and their child/children. While some of these women blame themselves for the tragedy (as they call it), I have come to conclude that men are irresponsibly making babies and turning women into single parents with little or no regards to the dreams and aspiration of these women. Conversely, these women have continued to prove themselves as the “Wonderful Single-Mothers”, struggling with great exertion to raise their child/children. They would rather stay hungry, go broke, wear the same clothes over and over, deny themselves of social pleasures and happiness only to raise the child/children, while the so-called fathers are somewhere usually far from them. I am not saying there are no single-fathers or that all single-mothers situations as solely caused by irresponsible men. I am just recognizing the amazing courage and strength of Wonderful Single-Mothers. I wholeheartedly salute all single-mothers who have stood and continue to stand up for the father-abandoned-children. May God continue to guide and strengthen your hands and keep you strong – the Wonderful Single-Mothers. Thoughts from an oldman Hh Zaizay
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 12:12:01 +0000

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