The word Muslim means one who has the will of God. The first - TopicsExpress


The word Muslim means one who has the will of God. The first principle of Islam is known as Shahada (testimony of faith), and is as follows: . There is none worthy of worship except Allah ( God), and Muhammad is the last apostle ( messenger) of God In a broader sense , that willingly submits to the will of God is a Muslim. Therefore, all previous prophets to Prophet Muhammad , sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah be upon him ) are considered Muslims. You can not judge Islam by examining people who have a Muslim name but in their actions , not living or behaving as Muslims. Muslims are ordinary people, like other people , and among them there are good and bad. They are not infallible beings and therefore they make mistakes. When to replace Muslim characteristics , do not assume that all Muslims have these qualities , but only those that follow - up to its potential - the teaching of Islam. We can summarize the teachings of Islam about the Muslim character succinctly as follows : A Muslim is truthful and not fraudulent He is humble , not arrogant He is a moderate, not an extremist He is honest and not corrupt It is quiet, not talkative He is soft-spoken , without pride He is loving and caring for others, without thinking about them He is considerate and compassionate, not raw He is friendly and helpful, not insulting and disrespectful people He is generous and charitable , not selfish and petty It is a refined and gentle in speech, is not prone to swear or curse It is cheerful and generous, not bitter and resentful He is grateful for what you have, not ungrateful It is cheerful and friendly, not irritable and gloomy He is innocent and pure, lusty Is alert and not distracted He is a decent and dignified , without grace He is honest and straightforward, without hypocrisy He is optimistic and hopeful , not cynical or pessimistic He has confidence and deep faith , not doubt and hesitation He is spiritual, not materialistic He always had faith in Gods mercy , not discouraged or hopeless It is a busy and alert, not neglect your duties We thank God and constantly praying to Him, do not forget his countless blessings Muslim personality is balanced. Pay due attention to the needs of the body and its appearance on the outside , not allowing you to pull it from raising their inner qualities , as befits a man who worshiped God and made His angels to face him and subordinate to the good of all, what is in the heavens and earth . A Muslim is also about what would be a good intellectual development and ways of thinking, to understand the nature and essence of things. Do not forget that man is not only composed of body and mind, but also has a soul and spirit, and a yearning for higher things , making to rise above this materialistic life and rise to the heights of goodness , power and light. Therefore , it would pay as much attention to spiritual development , as well as their physical and intellectual development, carefully balanced way that does not focus on one aspect to the detriment of others. With parents, it is an example of filial piety sincere , good treatment , infinite compassion , courtesy and gratitude. Along with his wife , is an example of a good and kind treatment , intelligent handling, deep understanding and proper performance of its duties and functions. With his children , a father who understands his great responsibility towards them. Despite floods with love and compassion that draws attention to things that may have an impact on Islamic education . With their families, maintains ties of kinship and knows his duties towards them . He understands the high rating given to the family in Islam , which makes you stay in touch with them, regardless of the circumstances . With its neighbors, is not a Muslim is an example of a good treatment and processing of feelings and sensitivities of others. Catching up with mistreatment and turns a blind eye to the faults of his neighbor avoid those in. He always has the attitude that Islamic neighbors looking well made the basic principles of Islam errors. His relationship with his brothers and friends is the best and purest relationship, based on love, in Gods name . It is clean , honest, brotherly love pure drift direction from the Quran and Sunnah ( traditions and actions of the Prophet Muhammad approved sallallaahu ` alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah be upon him ) ), which has become a unique system in the history of human relationships. In his social relations , of all people , is a polite, civil fine and noble , characterized by attitudes which Islam encourages . Good behavior is in the Quran and Sunnah, as a religious duty in Islam , by which man will be brought to account. It is a beautiful bright picture of a Muslim whose personality was created by Islam, and his heart , mind and soul are filled with divine light. The development of society is not measured only in terms of his scientific achievements and inventions of material. Another standard , most important by which a society is measured . This is the advantage of human values such as love , empathy , altruism , dedication , honesty and purity of thought, behavior and relationships with others. If people are the foundation of society is rightly directing public attention to human development and to enhance the positive and constructive aspects while trying to remove the destructive , evil motives , so that an individual becomes a model citizen. This model of citizen groups that clean , civil, strong, healthy
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:45:03 +0000

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