The world loves titles, and so does the church. Titles in itself - TopicsExpress


The world loves titles, and so does the church. Titles in itself are not the problem, because it can be a reference to experience or training or education. But I have wondered why there is such an incredible need for people within ministry these days to carry a title? If you meet someone in ministry, titles like apostle, pastor, evangelist or prophet [many times used utterly incorrectly] are freely used. It is as if the TITLE is of such utmost importance that is needs to be emphasised. Do we use the title to refer to our ministry, or is the title used to feel important, or is the title used to impress others? The shocking truth is that in the spiritual realm TITLES means NOTHING, yes that is correct, NOTHING. A title in itself achieves nothing. Why? Because God knows who is His true disciples and who walks in His authority. The ENTIRE spiritual realm knows who is truly ordained by GOD [not man] and who has been anointed for a specific work. God knows who has been baptised in the Spirit, who is reborn, who is moving in His Truth and Glory, and such men and women move in His power and might. A title certainly will not change anything when dealing with the spiritual realm. It certainly is not going to help when someone stands before a servant of Satan [NOTE; a true servant], or when confronted by a demonic presence. That servant when operating in the power of the devil, or that demon, will know exactly if that person they are confronting is IN Christ and operating in the authority of the Lord. It is spiritual recognition, NOT A NATAURAL ONE. It is going to help nothing but nothing to say that you are a pastor or an apostle when you are not even walking the walk of Christ! You see, the spiritual realm is not fooled by the pretences of man, or by titles or even by education. Yes, that is right. We can have all the education in terms of theology under the sun, but when it comes to operating in the spiritual realm, all that matters is one’s relationship and one’s walk with God. Satan is not fooled – he knows very well if someone opposes him who is not moving in the authority of God. We know the following Scripture well: “Acts 19: 13 Then some of the traveling Jewish exorcists (men who adjure evil spirits) also undertook to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, I solemnly implore and charge you by the Jesus Whom Paul preaches! 14 Seven sons of a certain Jewish chief priest named Sceva were doing this. 15 But [one] evil spirit retorted, Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you? 16 Then the man in whom the evil spirit dwelt leaped upon them, mastering two of them, and was so violent against them that they dashed out of that house [in fear], stripped naked and wounded. 17 This became known to all who lived in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks, and alarm and terror fell upon them all; and the name of the Lord Jesus was extolled and magnified.” The fear of the Lord came upon the people when they realised that true authority rests with the Living God, and not merely be men who called themselves Jewish exorcists! True power rests with God, for we drive not demons our with clever Scriptures, but by the authority that rests in the Blood of the Lord! Indeed, someone might have a doctor’s degree in divinity, but has no relationship with the Lord. It is not that hard to get a title these days when it comes to ministry – some study for it, some have it allocated and so on – but the spiritual realm is not impressed with titles or our education, but it moves and shifts when someone operates in such a realm within the authority of God. Why do we think Jesus approached 12 disciples who had not real education or any titles? Because such things are useful in the natural realm, and aids one in a degree in the supernatural, but what is of the greatest importance is being a DISCIPLE of God. I would rather be recognised in the spiritual realm as a true disciple of God than being recognised as a pastor or whatever in the natural realm! Because if we want to change things in this world, and if we want to change people’s lives, then it has to happen in the spiritual realm so that is becomes manifested in the natural. The Church has become very good in operating in the natural according to the natural modes of needs and wants, but we are steadily lacking the spiritual fortitude to operate in the spiritual – and this is where it matters! And things are becoming more complicated since the world has no taken what is unnatural to God and made it natural, while what is natural to God has become unnatural. This is even happening in Churches. If anyone wants to dispute where our authority lies, confront a demonic presence and find out if one’s titles or education impresses such a presence. Jesus came to earth to show how we should make DISCIPLES, for such disciples flow in the fullness of God, and they are the ones who seek not recognition but rather true service unto the King. I would much rather be known as a servant and disciple of the Lord than anything else, and I would much rather be known for walking in His glory than for my achievements and my status in the natural realm. In the end, a true relationship with God is all that counts, for our authority comes from God, not from man or any college or any education institution. We can have all the titles and have all the money, but have no impact when it comes to driving back the forces of darkness. Those who carry the approval of God and someone who walks in the Master’s authority is someone who supernaturally naturally manifest God’s Kingdom – they are the ones who shake the gates of hell and sets the captive free. In the end, we must strive above all to become sons and daughters of the Living God, and then we will see how His Presence operates in and through us, to His glory to set a broken world free.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 11:41:19 +0000

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