Then the LORD said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so - TopicsExpress


Then the LORD said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous 21 that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.” Genesis 18:20 Sometimes you can’t believe what you hear until you see for yourself. Well, here we are in Encinitas, the city made famous a year ago when a yoga based curriculum format was implemented in every school in the district. The weather is nice and the ocean breeze is invigorating. The five other witness of my family and I begin to walk down the main strip of PCH we can see that all the shops and restaurants are alive with a certain vibe. At one antique store, we were invited to visit the “center for self-realization” just a block away. Of course we saw the massive building and the sprawling grounds at the end of the main street. At a little restaurant while we were eating lunch the conversation happening next to us was loud enough to make us think that they were witnessing to those around them. They were talking about the Unitarian church that was putting on a community fundraiser for a child stricken with cancer. That the event was being put on by a Pagan branch of the church and that everyone is welcomed to attend. “They invite all seekers and never cast judgment on anyone.” The lady said in an announcing voice. Every bookstore, bar, clothing store and boutique was vibrating with the same feeling….tension. In a little town that was known for the center of peace and a lid-back attitude, everyone was at a tense state. Like a scientologist behind on his fundraising. Tense. After find the heart of this little town situated in a little bookstore, we had seen enough. The book store was fully devoted to getting any who would listen to participate in the worship of self. A lecture of “How yoga saved my life” was slated for the weekend. Using Magic to realize yourself. The book of positive thoughts and the prayer mats for those who are above yoga’s basic teaching. It was time to go. All day I thought about the integrity, the same-ness of this little town. The energy was palpable. One could not fight this pull forever and I one was to actually live here, they would be assimilated. Just as most of Lot’s family were in Sodom, and they were lost. This morning as I open the local paper I began to read: Encinitas Unified School District accepts $1.4 million yoga grant. They want to double the time that every child has direct yoga training starting from kindergarten. And yes, you can opt your kids out of the P.E. portion of doing the yoga worship but when little Johnny goes to nutrition class, social studies, history, art, health, etc., there they will be taught via the yoga format. When you yank little Johnny from the P.E. portion of the program just know that there is no alternate P.E. program for you child to make up the missing hours need to promote to the next grade level. This is not ‘here say’, we are witnesses to this. Just as were the witnesses that were sent to Sodom. indianexpress/news/california-school-yoga-programme-gets-usd-1.4-million-grant/1150241/
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 17:26:25 +0000

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