Ther was a girl named lucy and this was her bully story. she was - TopicsExpress


Ther was a girl named lucy and this was her bully story. she was the kindest little girl you would ever meet in kindergarden she had friends she was friendly she had the most perfect life ever like a princess in a palace she wasnt stuck up like a princess she was loving but then in 1st grade she got stressed the work got harder her friends got more mature and her family was falling apart she didnt think anyone would understand so she stopped planning those play dates and stayed home she watched tv mostly becuase theirs always a happy ever after at the end and she didnt have that any more so she was always bored just watching tv all day so she would get a sandwich and some water witch turned in to a sandwich and have a sandwich with milk and then turned into 2 sandwiches and juice. its not like she knew what she was doing to her self she was only 7 years old even with the stress she was able to smile in the school pictures and laugh at her friends jokes and go to recess over the summer between 2nd and 3rd grade she ate and ate until she was pumped with wat was no longer skin and bones but was fat she went into 3rd grade ready for a new year and we had a new kid at school cool right? well no he always called meshia fat and a cow or whale she hid the tears and hid the tear why the hell would she care wat he thought so she just moved right along until the summer of 2008 wen she was forced to moved to california with her uncle for a year away from her mom and wene the mom wanted her back the uncle decided no shes staying with me she stayed with the uncle for half of fifth grade the year and a half she was ther it was torcher every school she went to she dugg her nails deep in to her face every day and scratch almost so much in pain she wanted to leave marks she was happy for a little while wene she came back but the bully just started back up it was despicable she had a stress freak attack one night she had to stay home from school the next morning and of course her cuzin marlene always tagged in on the bullying but she would deal with any thing to be with her mom it was worse in california with her uncles so then it was sixth grade cuzin marlene bullied her still did u no after a child is bullied over nine times they normally get thoughts of suicide thats exactly wat happend to lucy and she was so cuatiuos now tht some one was always calling her names wene they werent whispering about her at all tht drove her friends away she thought well mabey im crazy but was it her or was it the bully s still tuanting her? she is a child of god so she will never kill her self no matter any thought she would have sometimes she would think god im srry im weak why dont u just do away with me? she still thinks people are whispering about her every day hay guess what reader dose this sound like some one u no? it was my bullying story thts still living on i lughed a lot of details out so no one would juge me but i thought if u guys thought it was about some one else you would have more sensitive carring thoughts so one thing to say #stopbullying
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 03:35:47 +0000

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