There Is No Condemnation In Yashiya HaMashiyach: by Pastor Steven - TopicsExpress


There Is No Condemnation In Yashiya HaMashiyach: by Pastor Steven byway of the Spirit of Truth.... “When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Yashiya was eating at the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.” Luke 7:37-38.... We dont know much about the woman in this story except that were told she lived a sinful life. The Bible never specifies what her sin is, which illustrates the beauty of Ahayahs love for us. This Day we’re going to look at a familiar story, but hopefully we’ll see it in a new light as we use it to understand the transforming power of worship. Luke 7 tells the story of two people, a Pharisee and a sinful woman, who have the same encounter with Yashiya. Both of them are untouchable. The woman is not to be touched by religious people because of the nature and extent of her sin. The Pharisee, on the other hand, has made himself untouchable because he refuses to allow himself to be touched by the brokenness of other people. One of them will be transformed through their encounter with Yashiya HaMashiyach {Jesus the Christ}. We know the Pharisees were the bad guys in Yashiyas life. They were the power mongers of the religious order in Yashiyas day. They told everybody how to live, but they were notorious for their own hypocrisy. They didn’t like Yashiya, yet one of them invited Yashiya to his house. We don’t know much about the woman in this story except that we’re told she lived a sinful life. The Bible never specifies what her sin is, which illustrates the beauty of Ahayah’s love for us. When we come to the Most High God Ahayah byway of Yashiya Christ with our sin, when we present ourselves openly to him and receive his forgiveness, he doesn’t bring it up again or write it down for everyone to see. He forgives it and it’s gone. That’s the first lesson I want you to see from this story. If you are wrestling and struggling with some kind of guilt or condemnation for something that happened in your past that you’ve already brought to the Mot High God Ahayah byway of Yashiya HaMashiyach, I can tell you the condemnation is not from God Ahayah. “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Yashiya” (Romans 8:1). God Ahayah is not going to keep reminding you and rubbing your nose in the sins of your past. If you have accepted Yashiya the Christ as your Savior, your sins have been forgiven and God Ahayah remembers them no more. That is good news! And it is the foundation for the transforming power of worship. Amein.. Amein.. Amein.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:53:32 +0000

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