There Is No Other Name! 12 Salvation is found in no one else, - TopicsExpress


There Is No Other Name! 12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:11 We live in perilous times. So much is happening all around us. The world’s offering is at an all-time high! Just about anything that you want, the world had to offer. The gate to destruction is wide and many travel that path. It is enticing to those that don’t know Jesus in the midst of their sins. It produces a right now gratification. Those that travel it truly believe it’s all about them. The do-me mentality is packing the wide road to destruction. Nowhere in the Bible will we find any scripture that says or implies it’s all about us. In fact we will find the very opposite. The Word God teaches us that it is not about us and yet some seem to not be able to take their eyes off themselves. To them is all about the nicest car, the biggest home, the labels in their clothes or name of their neighborhood etc. All those things will perish and when we leave this place none of those things can go with us! It doesn’t matter which final resting place you end up in, materialistic has no place. So when we invest in the temporal things here, that is as good as it gets. Our focus should be on life after this and kingdom building here! I want to invest in something beyond this passing earth. The earth, and the fullness there of is crying out for Jesus and because we have a choice, many chose the temporal things. Sadly people are in church every Sunday and have no personal relationship with our Savior. He is the only way. There is no other way by which men may be saved except the name of Jesus. This spiritual journey requires many sacrifices. The things of God are what really matter to the true Believer! Many claim to be Believers, but their lives bear no fruit. Some chose the wide gate that lead to destruction while others chose the narrow gate which is seldom travelled. Can you imagine of all the people on the earth and the narrow gate is seldom travelled, there is a salvation problem! Salvation is free to all. He stands at the door and knock. All we have to do is open it and invite Him in. You know how we are sometimes. We may go to a person’s house once and if it’s not clean we will not return. It’s because it’s not conducive to our lifestyle or liking. Jesus is the same way! In fact, He will not enter because He already knows what is going on! You can open the door all you want to, but if you house (spirit) is not clean He will not come in! Actually, He cannot come in! It’s not a part of His nature or character. He will not dwell in an unclean place. This means that neither will your prayers be heard. You can pray all day long. But if God is not in your house, your prayers will go unanswered. The tricky thing is Satan comes as a master deceiver. Many times prayer request are made and answered in a satisfactory way to the one praying and they think it is God. God not only wants to answer your prayer, but He wants to do so much more. You see Satan can never take you into overflow. Only God can do that! When we surrender to the name of Jesus, doors that we never knew existed will began to open for us. Our life will go into abundance so that we can share the goodness of Jesus with others. God is not a just enough God! He is an abundant God! Amen! The name of Jesus is the most powerful name on earth. It is at the name of Jesus that demons tremble! There is healing in the name of Jesus! No disease or sickness is too hard for God. There is deliverance in the name of Jesus! No matter what your issue is Jesus can deliver! There is power, wonder working power in the name of Jesus! At the name of Jesus every knee must bow! Even those that refuse to acknowledge Him now, in the end will bow! There is wonder working power in the name of Jesus! So whatever it is that you are dealing with today, call on Jesus, He can deliver! If you don’t know Him; He can save. Every soul will have an encounter with Him. I ask what will you encounter be? Will you accept Him or will you deny Him? The decision is yours. Father, I come right now in the name of Jesus. At the name of Jesus every knee must bow. Lord there is no choice. We can choose to bow now and serve You or bow later and spend eternity in hell. Father, I thank You for the sisters and brothers that have chosen You. I also pray for anyone that has not. Please send a servant to minster to them. Equip them with the words to say. Lord we know it’s Your will that none be lost. So Father, help us to be about Your business and know that if we take care of Your business, You have our business! Teach us as sheep how to multiply sheep. Father we thank You and we love You! Amen! Make Him the priority of your day as you Reverence Him!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:27:31 +0000

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