There are dates in the course of time that stand out, to the - TopicsExpress


There are dates in the course of time that stand out, to the world, a nation, a group, a family, or an individual. Many times the word infamy is used with those dates. December 18th marks a date in my family that has continued to ripple through many families, and individual lives. I dont like the word Infamy because although, tragic, sad and seemingly devastating, good has been born from it. Strength has been learned and resilience acquired. It has been a test of faith and patience, love and relationships. As time has marched on, the one thing that I have come to understand is that Jesus Christ, the great redeemer, understands all, has the power to heal all and is there for all. For a mother taken from her husband and two children way too soon, he was there to greet her with loving arms and allow her to see the eternal plan. She has played a part in each of her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sisters, nieces, and nephews lives from a realm that we have yet to experience. I feel her every day. A Father whose life was forever changed, who had to rebuild everything from an entirely different perspective, the Savior was there, blessed him through trial and tribulation helped him learn new talents and expand the ones he already had. He will forever be my hero. To a son and a daughter who had there lives turned upside down and every reason to quite, he gave hope. He blessed them with extended family and angels to watch over them and protect them and they in turn grew and have had a positive impact on the lives of their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and countless others, they have had the blessing of enduring to the end. The grandchildren and other posterity continue to feel the sting of the loss, but have been blessed to have an angel to watch over them. The two are now joined again and patiently watch over us. They follow the direction of the Savior as he allows them to interact with us to bless and preserve our family. I look forward to the day when after raising and watching my own family in this life, I can join them knowing that my Savior has blessed me with an eternal family. It is because of December 18, 1955 that I have come to understand the meaning of Christmas. It is to recognize the Savior of mankind and the blessings he extends to us, the greatest being eternal life as a family if we choose.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:42:35 +0000

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