There are many books, many poems, movies and songs written about - TopicsExpress


There are many books, many poems, movies and songs written about falling in love. Its described in many ways. Some say, its like a fire that consumes the world and all that remains is you and your beloved. some have called it lifes sole purpose. It has been described as that feeling that comes over you like a flood, stopping time, filling your entire body with a form as energy that food is not a necessity. A phenomenon that has never been understood by the equation E=MCsquared, a revolutionary motion that has been since the beginning of existence but still feels new to each beholder. One guy has said to me: Puse, when you fall in love, its like you are given superpowers, its like you become a superhero because all of a sudden you feel like you can conquer the world.. Falling in love with your beloved is magical, its divine, it possesses a power no other notion has on earth. Nothing in thos world has defeated the set law as much as love between two people. I agree, yes, I agree completely. But Ive got to say, theres something about falling in love with the unknown, falling in love with that which you cannot see with your physical eyes, that which you cannot touch with your bare hands, but only with your heart. Theres something about falling in love with God omg. I find myself singing outloud and I love you my dear, you are everything Ive ever wanted, everything Ive ever needed. I love you my dear. This falling in love is of another nature. One of my friends once said calling it falling in love does it no justice, because it lifts you further than John Legends cloud 9, it takes you higher, to places youve never thought yourself going. I like telling people to taste this love for themselves and see if it doesnt beat that time when they fell in love with Theophilus lol. Its so beautiful, I cant shut up about it. World, Im in love with the creator of life itself, Im in love with the peace provider. Cant get enough. I love you my dear, you are everything Ive ever wanted, everything Ive ever needed, youve ravished my heart. I love you my dear.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:08:28 +0000

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