There are many days, sometimes even nights...I look at Baby Eli, - TopicsExpress


There are many days, sometimes even nights...I look at Baby Eli, and the tears fill my eyes. Mostly tears of joy, but many tears of uncertainty, and questions fill my mind will he ever walk, will he ever talk, eat, play......all the things other kids do. Reality is that he may not do all those things, and as hard as it is to face the unknown God hand selected ME AS HIS MOM, and ultimately I am all he has. A very close friend of mine told me he is the way God intended him to be, and he is perfectly normal whether you see it or not, God made that Lil Trooper one tough young man! I can remember when he was barely 8 lbs at 3 months old, being so overwhelmed with what seemed to be so many problems wondering if he was strong enough to survive it all....Two years later at 27lbs, we have just about every specialist in the medical for each system lol....and we now have a special needs car seat, have a stand assistant on order, and now looking at special needs bath chairs/tubs, and A kid cart stroller/wheel chair. Although, it still seems overwhelming, I am thankful he made it thus far. Someone once told me that I couldnt care for him by myself, and i have even been told i had a life sentence. However, others choose to view it is their choice, but I dont see it that way. I wouldnt trade a single second I have spent caring for him, and the fact that I most likely will always be his primary care taker for as long as God allows him to be here is fine by me. God equipped me for this, and even when I have days of doubt...together we will prevail. Yes, I do have a 24-7 job just as any mother does. Eli just requires other types of care. My life may not be the most perfect world, but its perfect enough for me and my three. My kids are fed, clothed, bathed, loved, and adored.....they dont have all the ipads, dirtbikes, ipods, and whatever else is popular these days....but what they do have is a Mom who would sacrifice everything and everyone to provide for them things the matter most. Materialistic things are the end of the babies have all they need. I wrote this for really no reason, just bc I felt like it. I may not always keep my cool, there are days when i mess up, but there has never been nor will ever be a time when this girl gives up. No matter who stands with me or at a distance, i am taking it all in stride one day at a time....
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 03:00:22 +0000

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