There are many factors to be taken into consideration when - TopicsExpress


There are many factors to be taken into consideration when answering the question of how will the long winter and cool spring affect our pest populations this year? The first thing to consider is what type of soil do you have? Clay soils stay cooler longer while sandy soils heat up faster, so if youve got sandy soil youve probably noticed the ants are alive and well and happily excavating piles of dirt as they expand their homes. Secondly is how much moisture have you received? If you live where flooding has occurred youll probably notice an increase in pest activity, heavy rains and flooding while drive insects from their normal areas. Plus flooding leads to water damaged wood which is most certainly an insect magnet. Flooding causes other problems as well by leaving lots of little pockets of water in low lying areas which can lead to a heavy mosquito season. Third and most importantly, insects arent really bothered by these up and down temps as much as we are, so while were perfecting our quick change act, insects are busy doing what insects do, eating, maturing, mating and expanding their colonies. For them its life as usual and that means survival of the fittest, so if youve had insect issues in the past, dont be lulled into thinking that things will be less buggy this year due to the weather. #strangbuglady
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 11:49:57 +0000

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