There are no special racial groups to Yahowah . There are natural - TopicsExpress


There are no special racial groups to Yahowah . There are natural born Yahudum that will mostly be cut off or die prior to Yahowahs arrival . He says 2/3rd will be cut off in the land and 1/3rd will then be tested even more . So you know if you are being mislead by a special racial group that pushes concepts like we are special realize that 2000 years ago Jews looked just like the people called Jews today. There are 8,000 of them that live in Shiraz Iran and that community has been there since since the fall of Babylon . That is when King Korash took them back to Persia. There used to be far more but after the Islamic regime came to power many of them left the country . It just so happens my wife is from Shiraz Iran and to this day they call these people Yahudey (it mean related to Yahowah) Now because they are mostly religious they have separated themselves from Yahowah but they are the original Yahudey and NONE are black. Not one . Nobody gets a special ticket because of their race that is hog wash, Blacks were not the only slaves in the world in fact the very word slave comes from Slavic and they were all slaves for over 1000 years and all were white. You may also not be aware that by the time the emancipation proclamation was enacted in the US there were as many white slaves as blacks and the whites were treated far worse. One Virginia governor listed his holdings as 2000 Negros and 6000 whites. In Irish slaves alone over 100,000 were sold in the US . Add to that the streets cleaned of the poor whites in England , the Scottish , and the fact 2/3rds of all whites took the trip as indentured servants (most of whom died in the first 4 years ) you can see how there were probably more whites than blacks taking a boat ride as slaves . In total of the 200,000 million slaves that were taken out of Africa only 388 thousand were sold in the US . Brazil by itself took 4.5 million . 95% were sent off to Arab countries all babies born to blacks were killed at birth . In the US 388 thousand has grown to 45 million or about 13% of the population . In 70 CE and again in 133 CE the Yahudey were put in various parts of the Roman Empire as a result of the false prophet Rabbi Akiva and his wannabe Maseyah, Simon bar Kokhba. This is why there are so many Jews in Europe if they had been black the Romans did not kill slave children where are the millions of blacks ? Take heart this is not a race issue other than the fact racists are using blackness as some kind of tool to advance nonsense . Everyone enters the family the same way. BTW whites make up about 9% of the worlds population and have created or invented about every modern convenience. The car, telephone , plumbing , central heat and air , the very computer you are on . Dont worry this is not a race thing it is a fact thing and the fact is that anyone who gets to walk with Yahowah will lose the religion (walk out of Babylon ) and walk to Yahowah on the same path no matter what race they are part of . This would include the politically correct notions of a race based salvation plan . I will point out that Nimrod the Babylonian ruler was in fact black . Children from foreign nations who form a relationship with Yahowah, serving Him and loving Yahowah’s personal and proper name , who carefully observe and revere the Sabbath and do not treat it with contempt , those who are passionate about and are empowered by My Familial Covenant Relationship , these I will bring to My set-apart mountain , rejoicing in My home and tabernacle of prayer . Their offerings will rise up and be accepted, because My household shall be called a house of intercession for all people (Yashayahw / Isaiah 56:6-7) Lose the I am special because of my race nonsense . As a collective group there is not one race that as a majority makes the next life . Not one ! In fact the more religious a group is the less likely they will enter the next life to walk with Yahowah . He looks at religion in the same manner we look at the bubonic plague Yahowah is not bringing it into the home .
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 18:23:21 +0000

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