There are people who argue that UFOs do not exist. They insist - TopicsExpress


There are people who argue that UFOs do not exist. They insist that what we see flying around in our skies is simple secret military technology. They further argue that UFOs ONLY existed after the second world war and that is some how proof that the NAZIs made flying discs and that the winning powers are secretly using this technology. Although that in itself might be true in some respects, it certainly is an almost invalid explanation for the real UFOs that people have seen and interacted with. Then we have the professional ufologist. There are some good ones out there but the stage has been stolen by too many who are purely academic professionals and feel that they alone have all the answers. They in turn reject any encounters that do not fit into their theories and are just as dull and arrogant in their thinking (or lack of) as the professional skeptic. I know it is popular in the fringe of the esoteric community to to dismiss and be disdainful of the New Age movement, but the truth is the New Agers have instinctively grasped the truth of the UFO situation far more than the so called experts. Why is this so? One group can believe in the supernatural and the other cannot. Those who can think magickally will always beat those who can ONLY think! As a comment to the esotericists here, the same problem of thinking manifest in the occult community. In fact I dont like the idea of the various occult groups being a community at all. Not all flowers are the same, they are meant to be different. The same applies to occultists. But I digress..... UFOs and MAGICK are real and sometimes the least capable, by virtue of their worldly education and titles, write a lot of shit on these two seemingly separate subjects. Nature and the hidden source field infuse inspiration into very normal and humble people at times because they are the most capable. A point in question is, I have yet to meet a Ceremonial Magickian, a Qabalist or an Hermetacist who is a good fighter. So far Ive seen all these types of magickians get very badly beaten by so called low magick. There is no white or black magick, there is no high or low magick, there is just magick and the consciousness of the man or woman doing the magick. Well that is the end of my Sunday rant :) HM
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 14:47:03 +0000

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