There are so many who claim to be Christians, who are in bondage - TopicsExpress


There are so many who claim to be Christians, who are in bondage to the opinions of other people! T These are the folks who take repentance and obedience out of the Gospel, lest they offend anyone. They are the ones who are quick to correct those who exhort others to turn their back on sin, and walk in righteousness. (We dont want to make God seem legalistic.) Or when we correct others whose doctrine is in error. (What would unbelievers think if they saw you disagreeing?) Really? Perhaps they do not know that the biggest reason that unbelievers cite for avoiding Christianity is HYPOCRISY! And they are very much correct in that. Consider, for example, todays gospel that says you dont need to turn from sin--only acknowledge that you are a sinner, and you wont need to walk in obedience--because you have liberty in Christ. And all you need to do is chant a Sinners Prayer and really mean it at that moment, and believe that Jesus died for your sins, then you will be Once Saved Always Saved from that moment forward. Then these folks (who call themselves Christians) having never repented or submitted to Gods authority, and still living out do as thou wilt, have the ignorant audacity to go about telling others that THEY are on the way to Hell because ADAM sinned . . . or simply because they wont change their mind and turn their heart towards Jesus. Even sinners own consciences tell them that they will need to make a commitment to part ways with sin, in order to get right with God!! But these folks come along and tell them otherwise. Theyre only going to Hell because of what they BELIEVE (or dont believe) and that their actions dont have anything to do with it, because God is so gracious that He is going to let Heaven be filled with UNREPENTANT sinners, right after He evicts Satan for pride and rebellion. (Sarcasm intended) REALLY? Those that tell others they are headed to Hell . . . YET DO THE VERY SAME THINGS . . . are the reason the name of Christ is blasphemed among unbelievers! It is not because someone preaches that we must repent and walk uprightly. It is not because someone challenges this false gospel with truth. It is because those who claim to belong to Christ are walking in willful sin. And the world sees THIS, and recognizes it for what it is: rank HYPOCRISY. And it stinks! And they want no part of it. Not everyone will choose to follow Christ. That is tragic, but it is truth. Instead of watering down the Gospel, and bending over backwards to try to entice those who are not interested, we need to preach the truth boldly, knowing that those who ARE seeking after truth will be DRAWN to it. It is not US that build the Church anyways, it is God! . . . And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. (Acts 2:47) A watered down Gospel is totally unappealing to those who are REALLY seeking truth. All it draws is those who want something for nothing: to live their life in sin with a Get Out Of Hell Free card in their back pocket. Dont be deceived, God is not mocked. What they reap is what they will sow. He has given over to delusion those who reject the truth. There are many good people out there who want nothing to do with the hypocritical mess called Christianity today. And who can blame them? Preach the truth. Be a beacon of light. Stop worrying about the opinions of men! Stop living to please others. Stop doing things in the hope that it will draw the unwilling and insincere to God. Instead, worry about how GOD wants you to live. Live a life that is pleasing to Him. It is GOD who adds to the Church, such as should be saved. Stand firm, walk in truth and holiness, and God will lead to you those who will listen to what He leads you to say. Stop trying to build the Church in your own carnal strength, and by the wisdom and schemes of carnal reasoning. . . . it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; BUT unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. (1 Cor. 1:21-24) Those who are searching for truth will hear it. And those who despise the truth will reject it. The only way you can make the truth palatable to those who despise it, is to water it down so much that it becomes a lie. (Making yourself a liar in the process. And ALL liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire.) Gods word is alive, and His Holy Spirit works alongside HIS word to reach mens hearts. Just preach His word and let HIM worry about the results.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 06:55:52 +0000

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