There is a Thai sanctioned plan to execute two innocent - TopicsExpress


There is a Thai sanctioned plan to execute two innocent sacrificial lads. They will be murdered by the State soon because the powerful elite believe the nation and the world will forget quickly when the deadly injections are administered. This will not be the first time this has happened. Their names are Zaw Lin Oo and Wai Phyo, both 21 years young, happy, physically small (one only 144 cm or 4 8 short; the other barely 152 cm or 60 inches high), hard-working poor but lyrical lads who toiled 16 hour-long shifts with one day off when theyd sit on the rocky-sandy beach of Kho Tao (a spit of an island an hour’s boat ride off shore Thailand) playing their guitar and drinking away their loneliness, far away from family who depend on them as their sole income earners. If the lawless and ruthless powerful of the island have their way, the lads will die by lethal injection before the year ends if not soon next year. Actual murderers, who are the sons and daughters of the political elite, never go to trial. This is not a made-up drama; it’s a real life disaster in the making. See the document “While some think there is no fix to judicially murder the two defendants” at You can help these lads to return to their own homes not as ashes in an urn but as free men and sons to again work hard to support their aged parents. You can help stop their state-sanctioned murder from happening. It is not likely but we may find the court agrees with us and grants the defense the opportunity to put on a real defense that will keep our trial cost going for another six (6) months or longer. This is not just another Holiday Time appeal but it is an appeal for defense funds. Please copy and paste this in your browser: The time to save their lives ends with their impending deaths. They murdered no one. If youve not followed the case I have. I have worked and I am still working closely with the pro bono (no fee) skilled defense lawyer, Nakhon Chomphuchat, and his team including famed world-class human rights advocate and defender Andy Hall. I have followed all developments on key internet criminal investigation web sites (such as https://facebook/CSILA90210?fref=ts) that many times lead broadcast, internet and broad sheet / tabloid “professional” news organizations. Using my own 40+ years-long court trial experiences (more than 200 criminal trials as lead counsel and supervising counsel for more than 2,000 others), I have arrived at the unwaveringly firm opinion that they are INNOCENT of the rape and murder charges foisted upon them. But the powerful island leaders sense it to be in their own best interest to ignore actual justice in favor of Thai-style justice. Not even substantial justice. The lads are to be killed, sacrificed, for wholly self-serving interest: of the elite and the powerful-ones’ own financial/political designs. “Awe, … come on now Peter,” some of you are saying. “This just does not happen.” Sadly it does and it is happening now. The lads will be executed as sacrificial lambs as others have before them – unless you and I can stop them. See the web history here The thinking of the elite is that after the brutal murders are “satisfied” by an apparent (more apparent than real) trial, throngs of tourists and the illegal but sanctioned drug trade will again prosper. All that is needed by the elite way of thinking is to kill the lads and then proclaim Thailand and the islands are “again” safe. It turns out that the movie, The Beach, is not so very fanciful or fun after all. imdb/title/tt0163978/ That crime and life style shown in the movie actually exists on Kho Tao and it’s neighboring islands. This time is different only because many Thai people, along with we who love Thailand and you who also honor and respect true justice, are now proclaiming “Enough is enough. We’re tired of this crap and we are not going to take it any longer.” We’ve set up a special website that shows research papers, research sites, photos, and analysis by others. Not hard evidence yet… but we hope some of it can be. I will carefully post data that will do no harm to the lads, our defense team, or give away defense tactics or strategies. I will provide an outline of the court program, and efforts made and to be made by the defense team to save these boys lives. What happened most likely, based on the brutal destruction of the young British woman’s face, is that someone emotionally involved (with or without her encouragement), was rejected by Hanna once too often, and/or saw another person with her and went into a jealous, frenzied rage. The crime scene clearly shows that type of frenzied rage to destroy her beyond death. David’s father projects David, seeing Hanna in trouble, would have followed his natural instincts and, using his huge (by Thai standards) 6’3” frame, gone to her rescue. Images of their bodies were cruelly and lasciviously posted by the police on their own individual private web pages. I will not republish them. But they show Hanna’s destroyed face and the several, randomly placed but small puncture wounds on David’s head. This type of injury is not at all what would be expected from an “opportunistic” murder with a hoe in the commission of another crime such as robbery or rape as the police claim. The trial is unlike those in France, the UK, or the USA. Testimony and exhibits are partially taken in court for a day or two at a time. Then court adjourns both to allow the three judge (no jury) panel to consider what they’ve heard, and to move to new locations where out-of-courtroom testimony will be taken and exhibits reviewed. The Court then returns for more in-court testimony and requests by both sides for more subpoenaed witnesses or out of court testimony, even in foreign places where witnesses are for sure already hiding. This process can and often does take months, unless a fix is in and the elite prevail on the court to just execute the lads. This has happened many times, too many times, one time is too many but this happens many times in Thailand…. The land of … smiles? No transcript is made of testimony. No verbatim note taking of testimony is allowed by counsel or the public. No photo images of the court room, exhibits or the proceedings are permitted. The senior judge at the end of each day’s testimony orally records her/his own summary of what he/she thinks was said, and then counsel and witnesses are required to sign off as to that recordings accuracy. Objections? That is anyone’s guess. The defense team will be in court this Thursday, 18 December to hand over the defense witness and evidence list…. before we have seen any prosecution document but for a non-specific charge sheet. The lead counsel, Nakhon Chomphuchat, will try to educate the court as to our need for much more time, privacy needs to speak with the defendants, and to compel the prosecution show all its evidence (for and against the defense position). Fairness demands our close and timely not rushed examination before any testimony will be taken. The court will then “consider” this request and on 26 December in court tell us what the schedule of evidence production and witness testimony will be. There should be a 2nd and many other rounds of this procedure both in Thailand and foreign lands where witnesses now hide from the island elite with proper fear for their lives. It is an open question if this will be allowed. We are mindful that the court can render an opinion on 26 December without more that the lads are guilty as charged and should be executed. There is a right to appeal but…. There was a right for the lads to remain silent; there was a right to have no interrogation unless their legal counsel was present; there is a right to a fair and impartial court and trial… we still have hope, but…. Here is where I ask for your help: Everyone who hasnt donated yet - even $10 – Please do so now. We also hope to attract a significant benefactor even if only to match funds we have and still hope to raise. We need at least a $1 or $10 or greater donations from everyone to pay defense costs that for the most part are: 1. Air travel (many trips) from Bangkok to and from the island for the defense team (lead lawyer, human rights proponent, and Burmese assistants as interpreters) to attend court and meet with witnesses; 2. Modest lodging, meals and transport while on the island, 3. Costs for key fact witnesses to travel to Bangkok to meet with the defense team, and/or for the defense team to travel to them; 4. Expert witnesses must have their costs paid. Some may insist on a fee that if we don’t have we will lose their help. 5. We may find the court agrees with us and grants the defense the opportunity to put on a real defense and get testimony from witnesses who have fled. That will keep our trial cost needs going for another six (6) months or longer and greatly increase defense costs to send members of the team to other nations, such as Australia, France, Myanmar, Spain, and the UK. Please contact any member of the defense team; ask your good questions, and then please give generously. I’ve reviewed with Andy Hall who administers the defense fund, his accounting and am satisfied that he is careful and frugal, and using the fund only for the defense of these kids. The site offers donors an opportunity to also support Andy’s office, but you don’t need to if you don’t want to. I hope you will. Thank you. Sincerely, Peter Sheridan Chiang Mai, Thailand
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 03:47:19 +0000

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