There is a game going around FB that made its way to my page when - TopicsExpress


There is a game going around FB that made its way to my page when Josie Quick invited me to share 7 things most people dont know about me. I found that I learned some cool things about her that I didnt know which opens new conversations. In that spirit here I go... 1. I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane in 1981, it was glorious to watch the sunset from freefall at 3,000 feet as the plane flew away. (photo in FB photos) 2. Born in Texas, moved to the San Fernando Valley in Southern California, I spent many years as a child self-correcting my accent. 3. Doctors said I would never walk again after a hit and run driver forced me into the center divider of the freeway in 1993. The heros who chased and caught him joined me in a rehab center three months later where I was able to thank them for their help. The incident left me we with multiple injuries, including crushed feet which left me unable to stand or bear weight on my feet for over 6 months. It took me 2 years to get off the walker. I released my cane this summer and I watch for uneven surfaces....but am ambulating freely. 4. I was married in a hot air balloon ceremony I created with a Duena from the Unitarian Church and thirteen witnesses. We ascended at dawn exchanging vows we had written together, landing as man and wife. All of the guests flew after we landed so they too could experience Ecstasy. (The balloons name was Ecstasy) The wedding was beautiful and was subsequently featured in Bride Magazine 1982 (FB photos) 5. Fascinated with how the mind works and what motivates us as humans, I became a hypnotherapist and partnered with my mentor to start the Chino Hypnosis Center and continue to utilize my knowledge of astrology, numerology and other oracular tools to assist people in their personal growth process. 6. I built my first transistor (crystal) radio when I was seven with my Dads supervision on the soldering. I was fascinated by radio waves then and the rest is history. 7. My first radio show was called Earwash on KPFK, an overnight, Midnight to six am, where we played underground LPs and old radio shows like Buck Rogers and the Cisco Kid. My co- hosts were a couple hippies, TJ and Ed. Interesting to note that I am doing a cross cultural music exchange with a TJ on my show now. full circle.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:27:49 +0000

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