There is a lot of speculation floating around right now and I - TopicsExpress


There is a lot of speculation floating around right now and I would like to set the record straight about my resignation so here is a copy of my reply to a fellow committee member: Hi Simon, I had sent my notification of intention to resign upon a replacement being found and trained well before I had any inkling over the facebook furore. It wasnt until ***** (*a club member) phoned me this evening to apologise that I knew anything about it, which was rather fortunate for the committee. My long letter would have been very much longer otherwise. The fact that Lee misinterpretted the comments is neither here nor there. We all make mistakes, me more than most! Its the way Lee and Ian publicly voiced their true opinion of me that hurt the most, when they should have known damned well I would never, ever imply the circuit or its staff are unhelpful. Jamie, Nigel, James and the others couldnt be more helpful to me. I have worked too damned hard to promote both the club and circuit which I love, and they know it, to ever make any such remark. I have even offered to help Chris countless times as I know she struggles to cope when its busy.I consider the staff at the circuit to be my friends and I am truly sorry if Lee gives them the impression I think otherwise. As for all the comments on my long letter to the committee, anything I wrote was for the benefit of the club and members combined. There is always room for improvement and I try my hardest to change what I think can be made better for all concerned. I was not slating anybody for their actions, merely making suggestions, for which is the whole reason for having committee meetings. Sunday was very hectic and everybody was pushed to their limit. Mistakes were made in the heat of the moment and I would like to think we can acknowledge them and take the opportunity to ensure they dont happen again. Safety is my main concern and I wont apologise for trying to make improvements. I read the minutes from the last meeting and the agenda for this one and tried to pre-empt any questions that may have been asked of me had I been at the meeting so they could be dealt with straight away instead of in a few weeks time. As much as I wanted to attend the meeting, I couldnt due to having to take stronger painkillers and didnt feel safe to drive. Had I known in advance this was all happening, I would have tried to manage without them and driven down to speak in person. As for reconsidering my resignation, it has now gone beyond that Im afraid. I have carried on as Comp-Sec for the benefit of the club and its members as a whole, even though Lee and Chris Rennison have repeatedly been rude to me. But thats just their temperament and bad manners and I have learnt to overlook it. I have not been happy with some decisions made by Ian but again, I realise he is in a lot of pain and trying very hard to continue with a job he loves. I dont mind members voicing their opinions or throwing their torn up membership cards at me, thats my job and what Im here for. I do begrudge helping to line the pockets of those who clearly think so little of me. I also have my reputation to consider and will not have it sullied unjustly. I aim to get all the paperwork in order to deliver to the circuit, collect my belongings and hand in my keys as soon as possible. My daughter is moving this week and Ian is now on holiday so it will probably be next week at the earliest when I manage to get there, which is probably just as well, as I will have cooled off considerably by then. I have no intention of leaving the members in the crapper and will continue to moniter the entries and answer queries for the time being, if I am permitted to do so but I will not be present in person at the circuit again. If it means the extra work falls on your shoulders I will do my utmost to alleviate that. Please try to explain this to the others as I expect there are many questions floating around right now. I am copying this for Jamie to see as well. Jo
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 08:22:28 +0000

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