There is a memory I have fr something that happened a few months - TopicsExpress


There is a memory I have fr something that happened a few months ago that has still been causing some pain for me. When I think about it, sometimes tears still flow out. Sometimes its sadness, sometimes its anger. Ive been working on it for a few months now as it comes up... observing what comes up, allowing myself to feel it, processing it & releasing it. Since Ive been here, its come up a few times & Ive been meditating on it & asking for Divine Guidance on what else I can do. Today, I got some guidance - I remembered something else I can do & its something I often use with my clients, but had forgotten about it for a little bit. I can shift my perspective & change my story about what happened & why it happened. Something I had learned with Landmark Education is how we are the ones who create meaning around everything that happens... we create a story. So if that story is causing us pain, why not create a different story? Why not shift perspective & see what happened differently? Why not put it in a light that brings me peace vs. continued suffering? Ive learned that when we still have an emotional charge around something that happened, there is still some work to be be done there. I have a choice: I can continue being a victim & stay stuck in my suffering or I can do the work. Im choosing to do the work. So I have shifted my perspective & story & now I am seeing it this way: What happened helped me to make some choices that were best for me at that time... And as a result, a series of events have occurred that have served me in extraordinarily invaluable ways. I found new strength & courage within me to do something that was scary for me. I met my fear head on & I moved past it. I had the beautiful opportunity to deepen my relationship & connection with my parents. I learned to ask for help & allowed friends & family to be there for me. I am healing a broken heart but it is coming back together beautifully... the cracks are being filled with light & love & its all good. I created more abundance in my life through my life coaching & other opportunities & confirmed to myself that I will be ok financially. I took the risk to take this trip to India & it has indeed been an incredible spiritual adventure already... and I still have more than 2 months to go! Yes... shifting perspective & creating this new story is helping. I feel better already... more peaceful about it. Sending u all much love & light, Bela ❤️☀️
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 13:33:49 +0000

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