There is a non-religious family living in Israel. The grandfather - TopicsExpress


There is a non-religious family living in Israel. The grandfather (the father’s father) however, still had a connection to Judaism. As a result he convinced his son that he should send his son to a yeshiva in order so that he should learn how to say kaddish (a prayer recited when a relative passes away). The father agreed to this but on condition that his son will stay in the yeshiva only till the end of fifth grade. Afterwards he would go to a secular school. The boy was registered in a local yeshiva and enjoyed it tremendously. He grew in leaps and bounds in his spirituality and service of G-D. He connected to the rabbis and the general atmosphere of the yeshiva. Once fifth grade was over, the father made it clear that he intended on doing that which he planned originally. He kept on stressing that his son needs to have a means to make money. The boy was distraught and begged his father that he should be allowed to continue for just one more year. The father eventually relented. The boy ended staying there till the end of elementary school. When it came time for high school there was a massive fight between father and son. The son, no longer a child, decided that he will continue to learn in yeshiva no matter what would happen. The father insisted that he would have no way to support himself if he would dedicate his life to learning. His son tried to explain to him that there are people that are schooled that have no jobs and there are people learning that are well off financially. “G-D will help me” the boy said. All of his arguments were to no avail. The son ended up going to a good yeshiva but his father was far from happy. There was constant friction between the boy and his family and yet he always made it a point to visit his family once a week. Three years after he started learning in his new yeshiva this boy’s grandfather passed away. It was very difficult for him especially because the grandfather was the one that caused him to become religious in the first place. Five days after the grandfather passed away, the boys’ father calls him. “Please come home immediately” the father cries to his son. The son is not sure what suddenly happened. His father was obviously very emotional about something. When the son came home, he beheld his crying father. His father hugged him and told him that he (the son) was right all along. He then proceeded to take out a piece of paper from his pocket. It was the grandfathers will. The will stated that half of his money should go to this boy that was learning Torah. The amount of money was around ten million shekel (approximately 3 million dollars)!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 20:23:00 +0000

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