There is evil in the Middle East, and you have people saying - TopicsExpress


There is evil in the Middle East, and you have people saying things like--why arent blacks speaking up to condemn apartheid? Know that many black activists and intellectuals across the diaspora have been at the center of speaking up to ensure the international community polices Israels increasing aggression. I, too, have shared my views on Israel’s recent behavior towards Palestinians. I have said that too many children are killed; American politicians need to stop affirming Israels behavior; and Israel could be guilty of crimes against humanity. But that doesnt mean a majority of black persons have to share my views aloud. And they shouldnt be singled out for not acting. It seems to me some people lie waiting to grab any opportunity to say blacks are hypocrites for getting their freedom and not saying anything when others are in bondage. They are really saying blacks are hypocrites for not been eternally grateful that white people had enslaved them and was nice enough to free them 400 years later. As an Arab writer in the article I posted before this one informs us, blacks have every reason to be hesitant about getting involved in the Middle East crisis, even though Palestinian children and the innocent are being killed. You see, the problem is that African Americans, in particular, have always been the first to jump up and get involved in everybodys business, demanding civil rights, here-and-there, for this-and-that community in and outside of America. But when everybody gets what they want, they gang up on African Americans and black people all about, discriminating against the dark skin people among them, and ridding their countries of artifacts and history telling that connect to African roots. No doubt, when certain people get enough rights that they can visit the United States, they leave their countries like meager hungry dogs but enter America with a chip on their shoulders. They know that the powerful white community had been the roadblock to their freedoms, the one that destabilized their countries. And they know that African Americans had been the pioneers in demanding freedoms for peoples within, and in many cases, outside America. Yet, soon as they pass through immigration at the airport, they join the white chorus and start condemning African Americans as troublemakers, as loud, as unsophisticated. This behavior has been adopted by the Jewish immigrants, Arabs, Europeans, Latinos, Indians, Asians, Caribbean people, and African peoples who have all benefited from the alliance with, and struggles by, African Americans. The American Civil Rights struggles allowed them to have homes in America, even as white American imperialism tried to make them all homeless even in their native lands. Of course, African Americans weren’t the only ones involved in the civil rights struggles. But who will deny they were the pioneers and that it was mostly they who engaged the struggles? YOU cant come to America and then start attacking, mocking, and demeaning the people who have been at the center of the struggle, one day. And then the next day, you think you have a right to demand that they stand up and speak on everybody’s behalf— “Speak on behalf of Jewish rights!” They already did that—and the Jewish holocaust is now rightly seen as one of the worst events of history. But what about the African holocaust? If the African holocaust means anything to the wealthy power structure, why has the Supreme Court been knocking down Voting Rights laws and Civil Rights Acts left right and center? “Speak on behalf of Palestinian rights!” They have long been doing that. But now, ask a few Arab people what they truly think about African Americans? Let’s stop the bullshit--stop acting like what am saying isn’t widely true! Go ahead—ask your Arab friends what they REALLY think about black people from all about! “Speak on behalf of immigration?” They are still doing that; so again, ask all those immigrants (the Chinese, Bangladeshis, the Mexicans, Ethiopians, Cubans, Brazilians, the Iranians, the Peruvians, those from the Dominican Republic, the South Africans, and the Guatemalans…) what they think of “the blacks over here”? Also ask them—what do you think about blacks in your country? Many African Americans are tired of being used by immigrant communities, tired of being used by minorities all over the world, tired of being ignored by the feminist movements, and the LGBT movements, tired of being the black pot that everybody eats from, belch, fart, and then turn around and say, “The damn pot is black and filthy!” I often wonder, why some of you don’t look back into your own countries and look at the savagery, poverty, the rapings, the mud huts & grass shacks, the corruption and brutality, incest, pedophilia, backwardness & ignorance, the women servants, and the children-for-sale for 2-months grocery, the castes…the castes…the bloodclaat castes! A lot of you come to America, finally able to put on decent clothes, and now you are running your mouths and breeding your racism and discrimination as though everybody in your country is better off than African Americans and blacks across the Diaspora; but fact is, you are only the privileged few from your country. Look back at the majority of your own population, the disprivileged, and then you will realize that the people in your country need to do the very same thing African Americans have been doing to challenge power structures. That will give many of them a healthier life. And blacks from the Caribbean and Africa, know that you are seen in the same way as African Americans, so dont be fooled by those who smile with you and say, I dont mean to offend you, but you are very intelligent and articulate; You are so different from the blacks here. Dont let anyone continue to seduce you to engage the stereotypical narrative; because, sure they will will sit over McDonalds French fries and say you are just another nigger trying to play house nigger. in a nutshell, Im all about condemning brutality wherever it resides. But black people shouldnt be singled out when we dont articulate positions in bulk. We are not on a stage performing for anybody. We been dere done dat! Minority communities and American immigrants need to really examine the stereotypes they hold about African Americans and blacks at large, and realize that many are tired of being the black kettle that feeds the ungrateful nation.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 03:06:03 +0000

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