There is no human collective, no group... no corporation or - TopicsExpress


There is no human collective, no group... no corporation or nation... into which the findings of our ‘research’ can find intelligent... or presently even survivable expression. None. There never has been. We research ‘developments’, »while we not only fail to develop, but plummet off of the actual developmental cliffs our ‘technologies’ both comprise and invisibly »become when expressed in lethal forms to and for cultures of abject fiction. Now this, by itself, is telling: we undergo the opposite of social, ecological, relational and even personal development... when permeated by fictional projections of knowledge, identity, meaning, value and language. In fact, the »possibility of human intelligence »largely disappears into the appearances of technical prowess or scientific theory. And we have »never established the »ability to form and develop human minds or cultures. Instead, we train minds to pursue ‘developments’ which are, in fact, traps. But what is more shocking, and points to the roots of the problem is ordinarily unimaginable: the first place this happened was with »language. The »original technology that has the capacity to replace presence, inquiry, intelligence and relationships... with »representations and concepts, tokens and abstractions. And we have never yet developed a single human culture capable of mastering the dangers and potentials of »that development. Language. And thus, all the further ‘techniques and technologies’ end up serving as the »explosively lethal symptoms of this entire history. A history of ignoring our potentials for human intelligence, in favor of ‘deliverables and products’. The greatest of which ... turns out to be WAR. We must develop minds that can deal first with language, then with knowledge, then with technology. Minds that will not participate in fictions, and will, instead, establish learning and insight in their proper roles and natures. Which are, approximately, completely opposite of those present in our common habits and cultures. In the absence of such contexts, ‘scientific and techological development’ are, literally, death traps. First things first... or no more things... is the order of urgency here.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 00:35:11 +0000

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