There is not much out there more exciting than the recent - TopicsExpress


There is not much out there more exciting than the recent announcement of their upcoming Marvel slate, and the set of Phase 3. His first love MCU, sure. The birth of his first child, absolutely. The graduation of his son, it is true. Apart from that, however, there is not much that can beat the awesomeness rich, meaty that comes with realizing that the next five years will be full of bad-assery Marvel style. Exactly what bad-assery will be, however, remains largely shrouded in mystery. We know the titles of the films, and we know some details of casting, but beyond that, our enthusiasm has largely become scarce remains founded on speculation and assumption. What, however, if it turns out we know a lot more about the Phase 3 than we think we do? Like, for example, the character will be in the middle of the whole damn thing ... Now, when I say the key player, I do not just mean that we will see a lot of Thor in Phase 3 - even though we totally. Instead, I mean that everything weve seen and heard from Marvel so far suggests that the Norse god of thunder is set to be at the heart of what is happening around the MCU, at least for the next five years the same. In part, this is because of this statement from Kevin Feige, speaking after the announcement of 2017 Thor: Ragnarok: This is a very important film for us in Phase 3 ... We plan to take it to another level Collects Thor where Thor left in Avengers: Age of Ultron.. And the impact of what comes next The thing is, though - thats exactly the kind of thing Feige has to say about Thor: Ragnarok, to get us all pumped up for it. The real reason Thor set which is the center of the Marvel Universe for the next five years or so? Well, for that, we have to go back all the way to Phase 1 ... Take your mind back - way, way back - a long, long time ago in 2008. All the way back to when the first Iron Man movie was released, and the MCU began. That film marked the beginning of not only the MCU, but Marvel Phase 1. Now, Phase 1 focused largely on the creation of the Avengers, with the first solo MCU films Iron Man, Cap, Thor and Hulk all before the end of the Avengers epic adventure. It was also, however, completely centered around Tony Stark and Iron Man. Iron Man 1 and 2, obviously focused on the armored hero. The Incredible Hulk appears that post-credits scene (somewhat vague) creation of the Avengers ... Thor was totally created by post-credits scene in Iron Man 2. Captain America: The First Avenger bursts also starred Tony Stark, Howard, were fundamental to the plot. And, of course, The Avengers focused heavily on Tony Stark, and ended with an act of heroism Iron Man themed. However, the centrality of Stark franchise soon began to wane, and ... Now, at the time in phase 2 had been removed at the end of Iron Man 3, suddenly we had found ourselves in a world where Tony Stark had begun to move away from her role in Iron Man ... That was quickly followed by Thor: The Dark World, which featured a cameo kind-of-awesome Chris Evans as Captain America. What was, in turn, followed by Captain America: The Winter Soldier, who tore apart the MCU quickly as we knew it, completely altering the status quo. And now, after a brief trip to the Cosmic Marvel Universe Guardians of the Galaxy, we are ready to see Avengers: Age of Ultron in May next year, which seems to be set at its core a fundamental conflict between Cap and Iron Man - one that, apparently, the audience is expected to largely side with Cap over. Thus, the core of the Phase 2 looks much adjusted to be the transition from Iron Man to be the central hero of the MCU, so the role is taken by Captain America ... And, in the same way that Phase 1 is defined by the way the Avengers, Phase 2 will see the way that has been civil war. The big question, however, is ... Well, it could mean little more than a change of vague topic far Cap and Iron Man, and into another character, very much does not seem to be the way that Marvel is rolling, especially considering the fact that Thor is the only another member of the original Avengers set to get its own Phase 3 solo film. Instead, take another look at Feiges comments from above: We plan to take Thor to another level. [Thor: Ragnarok] begins where we left Thor in The Avengers: Age of Ultron and the impact of all that comes later. In the context of what happened in phases 1 and 2, which makes it sound as if Thor: Ragnarok is set to define the phase 3 in the same way it did Iron Man in Phase 1, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier did in Phase 2 - by creating and [impacting] everything that comes after. So while Avengers: Age of Ultron looks set to lay the foundations for Captain America: civil war, and looks set to bring a close to the central role of Cap de la franchise (quite possibly even fatally) that movie, but it sounds like it will not be until 2017, and Thor: Ragnarok, youll have a better idea about what just Phase 3 is really about. Except, of course ... And SPOILER-Alert, which is fully equipped to the world. Or rather, Ragnarok is the Norse mythological historically equivalent of Armageddon, in which the world is destroyed during an epic battle between the gods and monsters. The thing is, though, that ends with the death of both of the main gods (including Thor and Loki) and the world begins again. What does a couple of important things about both the movie and the end of Phase 3 of Marvel. 1) Thor almost certainly die in Thor: Ragnarok. 2) Thor is almost certain to be resurrected in Thor: Ragnarok, or shortly thereafter. 3) The universe, or at least Asgard, will be destroyed and then resurrected. Which, as several artifacts Asgard have had a key role on the part of the MCU Thanos so far, is almost certain to lead directly into the Infinite War history. 4) The two films released immediately before Thor: July 2017 release date for Ragnarok, Doctor Strange (November 2016) and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (May 2017) will almost certainly have a direct link to the third movie Thor, as well as the Infinite War will continue in 2018. All of which means what, exactly? Well, more than anything else?
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:04:38 +0000

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