There is nothing like Nigerians. So, I write this post - TopicsExpress


There is nothing like Nigerians. So, I write this post specifically to the Yoruba Youths and in general to the Ibo Youths, and Hausa/Fulani Youths. Lets learn from the mistake of the English Youths, French Youths and the German Youths. English, French, German and others were conscripted together as a country called the Roman Empire. In the same manners the Yoruba, Ibo and Hausa/Fulani were forced together and called Nigeria. The same ethnically motivated violence and predatory opportunism presently being witnessed today in Nigeria were the case in the old Roman Empire. The English fought with the French and both fought with the German and eventually Roman Empire divided. In anger, the English armed themselves likewise the French and the Germans. And so came the first European War, erroneously called the First World War in 1914. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, beginning the first world war. In the following four years, millions would lose their lives. Economies shrank, stagnated and hyperinflation. It took over a decade for the German economy to recover to its size in 1913. As the continent splurged on munitions, financed with debt, America manufactured arms and saw its economy expand. Hyperinflation in Germany shrank the size of the countrys debt. Geography changed too. After the war the Treaty of Versailles carved out new countries from what remained of the old pre-war empires. Independence was granted to the Baltic states, which had been handed to Germany in 1918 as part of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which ended Russian involvement in the first world war. Poland was reconstituted from former Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian territories, and Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and a larger Romania were created. With many lives lost, the English Youths, French Youths and German Youths went to yet another war in 1945, again erroneously called Second World War but in reality the second European War. It was after this war that the English Youths, French Youths and German Youths decided to stop fighting each other and embraced economic integration today called the European Union. European Union simply means that members can move freely from one country to another without intimidation, molestation or harassment. Today, a French man can travel to England without visa to live or work or even for medical treatment. So also can an English move to Germany without visa to live or work. It took more than ten generations of the English, French and German to come to this realization of an Economic Union. This is what the Yoruba, Ibo and Hausa/Fulani Youths must come to embrace and forget completely about political parties. These youths must embrace Regional Autonomy or peaceful dissolution of Nigeria. Regional Autonomy is like the European Union. It simply means that the Yoruba will have its regional government, same for the Ibo and the Hausa/Fulani, but there will be free movement of people, goods and services across regions. What this means is that all the Yoruba-speaking states will be a region. This region will have a government and a Prime Minister. The government of the region will control all the wealth and resources within the region and pays an agreed percentage to Abuja. But more importantly is the fact that Ibo will have the rights and privileges come to live or work, or get an education in the Yoruba Region without molestation, intimidation or harassment. As well as any non-Yoruba people. Also Yoruba will be able to go to the Ibo or Hausa/Fulani region to live or work without any problems. Lets learn from the mistake of the English, French and German Youths. If not, there will be a bloodbath in Nigeria. Already Nigeria has been at war, but the elders are pretending to the Youths. It is the elders that have declared war, but it is the Youths that are dying. The Yoruba Youths have already embraced the need for Regional Autonomy. It is the Ibo and Hausa/Fulani Youths still dragging their feet.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 13:52:54 +0000

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