There is one face that continues to gall millions of Americans. - TopicsExpress


There is one face that continues to gall millions of Americans. That is the face of Barack Hussein Obama and not because he is black. We get responses to our articles from people from all over America who are incensed by that face. They say things they dont mean and threaten things they will never carry out, because of their growing anger every time they see that face. People have told us that the second Obama comes on the TV they turn off the TV, or switch channels. Thats hard to do when Obama decides to address the nation with a mouth that lies every time it opens. Hes on every channel. The more we learn about government, the more we learn about central bankers, the more we learn about the military industrial complex, the more we learn about social justice and the environmental movement, the more we learn about the move towards world government, the more we learn about politicians and political institutions and the corruption, waste, fraud, abuse and negligence they oversee and profit by, the angrier we get. Our anger is directed at the face that is the head of it all, Barack Hussein Obama. So here and now, we will express our individual anger in words to the person that is the owner of that face. Americans are not the creation of government. We are not pigeons you can train to send your messages. We are not cattle you can herd. We are not school children you can bully. We are not slaves you can force into hard labor, or sign up for Obama Care. We are natural born free men and women and government does not own us. We own you and we are prepared to defend a free America, as directed by the Declaration of Independence, if government turns to tyranny. We can do no less...............
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 20:37:21 +0000

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