There is something that I have been working on for nearly 2 - TopicsExpress


There is something that I have been working on for nearly 2 months. I assure you I have been through every legal channel to not only bring to justice the people who are responsible for the starving death of their family members cat, but also the near starving of his 4 kittens. My vet bill to date for the cat and his kittens has now topped $1,000. I am going to start a GoFundMe, but wanted to give everyone some background on the situation. Panthro, a 2 1/2 year old cat, was starved in his owners back yard in a pen and died on Thanksgiving morning. His 4 kittens are still traumatized and are in need of 24 hour vet care to correct health issues that resulted from them nearly being starved to death. I desperately need help paying their vet bills. I received a call from a woman saying her brother suffered a severe stroke and would never be coming home to his 14 cats and kittens. She asked me if I would take them and adopt them out. I said yes so the family could spend as much time with the brother as possible. I offered to foster them or come and care for them at the house they were now living in alone so they could spend time with the brother. The owners Mother would not allow the cats to be taken out of the house nor allow anyone to come care for them. I kept in contact with the sister. She assured me the cats were being cared for even though they were alone. Over the next 3 weeks the sister and I would talk on the phone, text and message on Facebook. She always assured me the cats were fine. 3 weeks later I received an e-mail with a photo of many cats in an outside pen. She was a neighbor and was concerned because she would hear the cats crying day and night. She called animal control but no one responded. She said there had been no one at the home for about 3 weeks and asked if I could come out and look into it. I went out the next day and looked over a fence into this pen. There were about 10 cats and kittens in there. What water I could see was green and moldy. I didnt see any food, and the cats were desperately trying to get to me through the fence. All of them were sickly thin. And very, very hungry. While the neighbor went and got some food I got to thinking. What I was seeing was exactly what the sister told me about the cats, as in color and ages. I called the sister and asked if her brother lived at this address. She said yes. I told her animal control had already been called, but these cats needed to be seen by a vet NOW. The sister came later that evening and let me in the pen. I saw no food for the cats. And I saw 5 of the cats were so thin their bones were sticking out. The sister gave me the 5 cats. She took me into the house and the conditions were deplorable. Vomit, feces, urine everywhere along with a house in much disarray. She told me there were at least 2 cats in the house ,one of which she took, along with one that was in the outside pen. At no time did I see cat food sitting out or in bags. At no time did she offer to go get food to feed any of the pets. She just took the 2 cats and left. I told her I expected her to take them to the vet within 24 hours, and that I was heading to the vet immediately with the 5 she gave me. Pantho, the daddy of all 4 kittens weighed 4 lbs. The vet stated he should weigh at least 8 to 12 lbs. The kittens weighed a little over 2 lbs. At 5 to 8 months old, they should have weighed at least 6 lbs. All were severely dehydrated and had upper repository infections. The vet gave us meds and gave them sub q fluids. We also had sub q fluids and meds at home to administer. When I got them to my home I made up a room just for them with blankets, food, clean water and toys. They all just huddled around the dad, who was purring as if to comfort his kits. We sat with them for a very long time. We tried to get them to eat. Nothing worked so I figured let them be alone in the new comfy room for the night and see if they eat by morning. When I opened the door to check on our new little family, there was diarrhea from one end of the room to the other. Pantho, the dad, have mucus dripping out of him. His kits by his side. I rushed him back to the vet, where they treated him for various ailments that were all the result of going so long without food. He stayed at the vets and seemed to improve until Thanksgiving morning, when his organs began to fail and his temperature dropped 5 degrees below normal. The vet called and I rushed over. Pantho, a once strong, beautiful, robust Bengal cat was now nothing but bones. In his eyes I could see he could no longer fight to stay alive. And then he was gone. While he was hospitalized at the vet his babies would cry out for him. They would not eat. I had to syringe feed them a little bit every few hours. I would tell them that their Daddy would be back as soon as he got better, but they would still cry and howl for him for days. Their poop consisted of twigs, mulch and leaves. After Panthros death I brought the kittens back in to the vet as they were not eating on their own and I did not want them to suffer the same fate. They are still with the vet, being re-socialized and being treated for all medical issues that arise from having no food for at least 3 weeks. I did pressure the sister to take the 2 cats she took from the house to the vet 2 days after she took them. I went with her. The breeding female was also underweight. And had a heart murmur. So now her kits, 2 of my 4, have a huge risk of having the same issue. The family contacted me last weekend demanding one of the kittens back. She is threatening me with legal and civil action. I will not give her anything. When I texted her that Panthro had died and sent her one last photo of him, she never replied. To me, to allow the pets, pets your brother/son referred to as his Children to suffer with no food, no clean water, in an outside pen with no human contact is beyond my comprehension. At this time there are at least 3 other cats in the pen and 1 in the house. I have tried every avenue to get them out of there and have been offered no help by Animal Control. I am posting photos of the owner took before his stroke, if only to show the condition their condition in the past. I have am also posting photos I have taken while in the pen when I first peered over the fence and while they were on my home. I have been through every legal channel to have charges brought up on the mother and the sister for neglect of these cats and kittens. Animal Control and the States Attorneys Office have done nothing. They say they dont know who to charge.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:10:25 +0000

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