There was a Bishop who went to a little girl who was known to be - TopicsExpress


There was a Bishop who went to a little girl who was known to be seeing Jesus. As He saw the child, he was so mad because he believed that this little girl had been lying all the time. He asked the parents of the girl if he could have sometime with her. Being a devote Catholic, they allowed the Bishop to talk to the girl in their living room. The Bishop did not show his non belief. He asked the girl, Can you tell me when you see and talk to Jesus? The girl replied, He always visits me about 8 o clock at night before I sleep. What do you talked about? The bishop asked. He was always telling me how much He loves me and how happy He is when people visits him in the Blessed Sacrament, and pray unceasingly every moment of their lives. He told me that He always hear us when we pray. He cant just move right away to help us, because we want to control our life. We pray to Him, say everything we want, but no one stays to listen. After praying, we rush out thinking of mundane things. He wanted us to stay for a while after we pray, not saying anything but just putting ourselves in His presence. I know everything about that, the Bishop retorted. What I want is a proof that you have really seen Him. OK, when you see Him tonight, ask Him what are the most grievous sins that I have done, and tomorrow, as I visit you, if you can tell me, I will believe you. The Bishop said goodbye to the family and left. The following day, the Bishop came back, and had brought two more Bishops for He wanted to prove that the little girl was lying. When the little girl came, the Bishop asked her right away, So, what did Jesus tells you? The little girl replied, He said, He doesnt know? Aha, I got you, I know that you cant tell me, because you are lying. See, brothers, she cant answer my question. The other Bishop went near the child he asked, So, what did Jesus really told you? Father, He said that He doesnt know it anymore, because that Bishop had confess it in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and He had already forgave Him. Anyone that He forgave, their sins were already blotted out in His memories, for thats how He is. When He forgives, He forget, The 3 Bishops left, believing that this child did really see Jesus. Ponder on this my dear friends, especially those who have not forgiven themselves. You dont need to go back and forth thinking of the sins you committed before. Asked Jesus to forgive you and He will forgive you, and the moment that He forgives you, every sin you did will be blotted out in Gods list, and no where to be found in the universe. Once you asked for forgiveness, God is creating a new you, that could start a new life again, so never think that the sins you committed before follows you wherever you go. Let go of it, and let God makes you find peace in your life. Put Him first in your life from now on, pray unceasingly, and perhaps one day, you can see Him like this little girl, for the bible says, People with pure hearts will see God. Start bleaching your heart now, by going to the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession, and make your heart, as pure as that light snow floating in the air. God loves you so much, and had forgiven you. Take this forgiveness and move on to great things in your life. I will be here praying for you. (ADAI)
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:38:06 +0000

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