There was a muslim who had been traveling to learn from a profound - TopicsExpress


There was a muslim who had been traveling to learn from a profound scholar. After several days of walking he stop to rest and notice how lush and green the land was as well as an abundance of freshwater creeks. Resting his tired feet and drinking his fill of water he began to head east and after a hour of travel he came across Three Bright Red Apples of the road he was traveling. By now he was hungrey so thIs could be a favor from Allah but instead the man was more concerned about who had lost there property because there was no apparent signs of a tree that bear fruit. The man carefully place the apples in his travel bag and decided that he would walk until nightfall looking to see if anyone would b on the road looking for lost property and if not then he consider the items a favor from Allah. Just as the man was approaching the crest ofa valley durning the maghrib hours a house surrounded by a Apple orchird came into his sight. The traveler paced increased because now he would have a chance to return the Apples to there rightful owner. Knocking on the door and giving the Greeting of Salam the owner of the house open his door with great annoyannce because he wasnt fond of strange ppl on his land. He ask the traveler: What is that u want I have no money to hire any help but the travel held in his hands 3 shiney red apples which he told the man he come to return and would be on his way. The farmer looked shock that a man had found three of his apples on the road and had come to return them when he had over 20 acres that he couldnt harvest mostly falling to the ground. After placing the property in his hands the traveler turn to leave but the farmer invited him to stay for the night and would not accept the lost apples. The traveler pleded with his host but the older man refused but made a deal. Since it is so important to u then b my house guest overnight and we shall have dinner then talk about how u can repay me for my apples if u wish. The men agreed and his guest was shown the Quaters for guest in the barn area. The farmer went into his home and made dua to Allah and then order his daughter to prepare the meal for 3 and fix a basin of water. The farmer went and took the traveler fresh clothes and water. They ate until the 2 men had there fill then the farmer ask. U say that u feel composed to repay me for my kindness and I have no need for slave. I have a fair preposal that may make us both get what we want if u agree. The travel said ask me anything u like. So the Farmer said Marry my daughter. The traveler was thinking What in da world have I signup for but he was a man of his word. They agree to hold the wedding in the morning after this dicussion. I must warn u the reason my daughter didnt answer the door is She cant hear the reason she didnt greet you back is that she cant speak. The traveler sweating bullets so he ask when I ask her to past me more water u got up and did it. Why? She was born blind! The morning of the wedding he ask the farmer why do u trust me with your only child. You r a upright man and as for my child she Hears no evil. Speaks no evil. See no evil. So between u two may Allah Grant me Pious Generations after my death.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 04:34:08 +0000

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