There were three inhabited planets around this system, populated - TopicsExpress


There were three inhabited planets around this system, populated by culturally, technologically and telepathically superior beings, linked as one into a collective consciousness that allowed all to share and experience instantaneously. It was inherently peaceful for this reason. If one suffered, all suffered. None were left unaided if problems occurred, or conflicts arose. The collective had the wisdom and knowledge to find the way out. A massive CME from the second sun heavily irradiated the system. Two of the planets were spared as they were in the shadow of the first sun, which blocked the radiation. The third planet was crippled though. Most life was wiped out, those of the mother race that survived suffered massive birth defects and genetic regression. The population nosedived from billions to a little over a million. After hundreds of generations the inhabitants lost their telepathic ability. They were alone for the first time in their lives, stuck with only the demons of their own thoughts, with no ability to reach to the collective for solace or advice. They became scared, jealous, warlike. The began to obsess over the physical as opposed to the mental. They still had their technology, but they were getting unhinged by this new life they were forced to live. They became a liability to the brethren they could no longer access. Their brethren were likewise suffering. The two way radio had become one way, the signals of millions of desperate, disconnected entities echoed throughout the collective, like the cries of a lost child who could not hear his mothers soothing words due to deafness. Great misery was felt by all, and a solution needed to be found. Genocide was never an option, those who were unaffected by the CME knew it was no fault of the third planets inhabitants, and the knowledge of all those deaths would forever taint their knowledge pool. It would provide a lesson, but at too great a cost. A concensus was reached. Allow them to split from the system, to set their own destiny, to live in the starts as they chose to. They would never know of what they had lost, and the systems inhabitants would be able to find peace from the constant barrage of suffering emanating from this small planet. Arks were built, plans to sedate the inhabitants of the fractured world were formed, the collective power of billions of citizens would be harnessed to lull them into a sleep, at which point they would be loaded into arks and dispatched to the western side of the galaxy. There was no one over there, no other species to interfere with them, nor be interfered with by them. It would be an open plain that would allow them to heal. While the citizens recognised this was the best way to deal with the situation, the loss of knowledge was profound. A hope was established that maybe, in their own time, they would evolve back to a level where they could reintegrate. A suitable system was selected (conveniently, its third planet was its only habitable planet) and the arks were dispatched. The civilisation wept both for the tragedy of the situation, and the hope of the new life these poor travelers would find. The arks arrived, the population was spread evenly across the planet, and these new earthlings learned to live in their new world. There were of course conflicts, but the prevalent mentalities borne of their galactic roots, kindness and compassion, was still woven into their DNA. Thousands of years passed, and the inhabitants developed their own technologies and civilisations. Occasional wars would flare and ebb, but the common good of their spirit saw them get through. They had always looked back out to the stars, somehow knowing the answer was out there somewhere, and in time, developed systems to search, to explore, to leave this world and seek their answers. The homeworld sent robotic probes to monitor the situation, ever hopeful these new earthlings could be reintegrated one day. Probes were also sent into the biosphere to see how the populous would react should their mother civilisation decide to make their presence, and their story, known. The reaction to these probes when viewed was often hostile, the earthlings in power could not understand them, thus saw them a s a threat. An interesting thing was observed however. Not all earthlings were scared of the probes. Some actively seeked them, wanted to know more. Yet more of these earthling seemed to display traces of their original powers. Some claimed to be able to remotely view locations, some claimed to be able to see unbound souls. Others still had stories of being taken by ships from the sky. They described the technologies and attributes of their motherworld and her populace perfectly, (all despite a strict policy of non-interference by the mother civilisation). They knew what the robotic pilots of the probes looked like. None had ever been taken from the planets surface or been exposed to the motherworlds inhabitants or techologies, all agreed. Were they perhaps starting to remember? The monitoring continues, and these souls continue to strive forward, desperate to find the origins of themselves, frustrated at how close it feels, but how far it appears to be. Those who watch feel the time for revelation may be approaching, though they remain cautious of those who would shoot before speaking. This tale is not over yet though, not by any means.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:56:36 +0000

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