Theres a quote that says, the downfall of our society will be the - TopicsExpress


Theres a quote that says, the downfall of our society will be the fact that we would rather be ENTERTAINED than INFORMED. And when it comes to Black folks, that couldnt be any truer. Yesterday, I shared a picture of Rob Ford dancing and it gets shared around 25 times and creates a bunch of LOLs for our crackhead mayor. Then, I write a status informing people to check out the Toronto mayoral debate about issues affecting the Black Canadian community (which candidate Dewitt Lee even posted a comment in) and its mostly crickets. But this is exactly why I say that Black folks in NORTH AMERICA are mostly full of shit when it comes to effecting REAL CHANGE. Because we let The Real Housewives distract us from conversations about policy changes, and we let concert announcements overshadow major rulings that negatively impact our communities. When big issues like Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown, everyone has BIG TALK about what theyre GONNA do, DOWN THE ROAD. Well, what about changing yourself and your community RIGHT NOW? Instead of waiting for another tragedy to hit to get riled up about, lets start making steps to change by getting more involved on a local level. Know who your mayor is, know who your councilperson/senator is. Look at what they vote for and against. Look at the process for BECOMING a candidate. You mean to tell me Beyonce and Jay can gross over a million of OUR dollars for ONE show, but we cant contribute to the campaign of OUR candidate? And if youre politically apathetic, then find a cause and put your time and money there. But if your outlook on life is, ROB FORD AH REAL RUDEBWOY! WATCH DI MAN SKANK NUH! and you dont care about the fact that he wants to defund the Afrocentric school and eliminate the after-school programs that keep YOUR kids out of trouble, then please miss me with the fake-ass outage when people DIE and go to jail over POLICY directly made by YOUR candidate.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 16:05:00 +0000

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