Theres nothing particularly Judeo- or Christian about not killing, - TopicsExpress


Theres nothing particularly Judeo- or Christian about not killing, not stealing, and not bearing false witness. Humans were not running around killing one another, lying to each other, nor stealing goods that did not belong to them willy nilly before the Ten Commandments, or any other laws, were written down and codified. And the people who did do these things did not do them out of a sense that what they were doing was moral. They knew that what they were doing went against the established boundaries of right and wrong according to the society they inhabited. We know this to be true, because any civilization that condoned murder and stealing by non-state actors would break down and cease to exist. The point that Im trying to arrive at is this: whether it be through nature or nurture, by the time humans reach their formative years, a moral compass exists within them, a built-in sense of right and wrong. In essence, a conscience. And it did NOT come about dependent upon or honed by the laws or commandments that are recorded in our holy books. Man did not need god to tell him that killing, stealing, or lying was wrong.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 21:39:46 +0000

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