There’s a but for every problem you can ever face. The mountains - TopicsExpress


There’s a but for every problem you can ever face. The mountains in your life may be big, but, God is even bigger. At first you may not succeed, but, you can try again. On paper you may not have the qualifications, but, one touch of God’s favor can thrust you into opportunities you aren’t even qualified for. Great things happen when you use the “but’s” in your life the right way. The word “but” is a conjunction that negates the previous statement. And we learned in math that when you multiply negatives, you get a positive. When you add the negative word “but” to an already negative statement, you get a positive result. “I may not have all the resources I need, but, God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory.” “I may have suffered a setback, but, for every setback God has a comeback.” “I may have exhausted all my strength, but, if I keep pressing forward and faint not, I’ll come into a great harvest of blessings.” On the other hand, too many people are using the “and’s” the wrong way too. “Starbucks was out of my favorite coffee this morning, and, the dog got sick and threw up on the carpet, and, traffic was backed up for miles and miles.” When the “and’s” of life are used the wrong way, it becomes a complaint. But, sometimes you have to turn your complaint around and let it be a declaration of thanksgiving. Boldly declare that things are working out in your favor. All around you it may seem like you’re losing the battle, but, you can take heart. You may have lost the battle, but, you will win the war. Yes, traffic may be backed up, but, you can be grateful that you have a job that’s worth braving the rush hour traffic over. The dog may have gotten sick, but, you can be grateful for the home that houses you, your dog and your carpet. Starbucks may have been out of your favorite coffee, but, due to such an in-demand franchise, there’s a high chance another Starbucks is nearby. Friend, there is no problem too big that God can’t handle. He has a re-but-tal, for every problem you’ll every face. Stop looking at how big your problem is, and, start looking at how big your God is. When you eliminate your complaint and count your blessings, God will favor you “and” bless you “and” make His face to shine down on you and give you peace!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:54:28 +0000

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