These Albion Daughters of the American Revolution wanted to be - TopicsExpress


These Albion Daughters of the American Revolution wanted to be free from their past history. And free to create their own reality. They have come a very long way and are very proud of their accomplishments. They utilized the womb and created Sons who were endowed with their directions and psyche. They imparted to them in the womb to come out with a demeanor to hate and destroy the Moorish Sons. Their Sons became the members of the “Klu Klux Klan”. There you have it in a nutshell. . We need to have a different view when we see these daughters now wanting to be linked back to the Moorish Sons. It is in their DNA. It is also n the DNA of the Albion Sons to have a distaste and genuine Fear of the Moorish Sons. In irony, as the Mothers and Fathers of Civilization, we are their salvation. Dishonoring of one’s Mother and Father includes them They go the way they came, and others will be destroyed by the Sun. (Malachi –Chapter 4). . All men do the bidding of women. This is a fact. It is their duty, and a honest man will admit that. Even if he doesn’t, in all reality he is affected by her from the time he is born and while in the womb being made. If he is arrogant, possessive and insecure, she taught him to be that way. Much of these things were learned in the first school room of the universe — the womb. Thus he did not stand a chance to be otherwise. Submitting to the Will of Allah is done in the womb during one’s making. Allah is All Law, manifested in the flesh is Arm Leg Leg Arm Head. Everyone is a Moslem, as a Moslem is a fetus, muscles, bones and tissues, or Muslim (same) muscles and limbs. This is why they wear these Fezzes with Moslem, Islam, El Bey and Morocco, amongst other ancient writings upon them. It is clear that they are Modern man and we are Ancient Man. They are not, and cannot, ever be ancient man, they have no ancient history. . The Daughters of the American Revolution are the ones who created the citizenship manual for all those who come into the shores of America., while the great Statue of Liberty looks on (Venus). As dictated in nature, Mother sets the agenda, and the sons play it out, enforce it, protect and direct it, or supervise it. . Moabite / Moorish / Asiatic / African Sisters, it is the European / Albion Daughters that have used the science of the womb, and want to take your place — not her sons. He only does her bidding, as it ought be. It was the Moabite / Moorish woman who wielded her great strength in negative ways against her Sisters, which caused the great fall of humanity. It is known as the “Fall of the Great Angel.” . Many wear the womb as a royal crown except for the Moorish Woman, and she is the Mother of all civilizations. Clearly she has been unconscious and it is time now for her to awake so the “Great Meeting” can take place. For those sisters who are in the Secret societies, the Eastern Stars, etc. The secret is about you. You are aware of Esther (Easter, Ishtar, Isis, Astarte, Venus). An indication and proof that the universal language is that of Cosmology. This is why you are called an Eastern Star (Venus is the eastern Star). To my sisters who have not been previously aware, you may not be an Eastern Star “Member”, and you need not be, yet you are “A Star from the East”— Venus the Cosmic Mother, which rules Libra (Maat) and preserves the “balance” of nature with her scales of justice and sword of truth and retribution. It is time to rise from the ignorance and see you for who you are and more importantly for your obligation and responsibility to humanity. . If you do not plan (plant) to bring any more royal crowns here, please teach your daughters, who are the direct descendants of the founders of Civilization. Teach them Ancient High Science, Culture, Gnosticism, Cosmology, Alchemy, Geometry, Algebra, Numerology, Astrology, Architecture, Mathematics, Philosophies, and the science of the Womb, as everyone else is drawing wealth and knowledge from it and wearing it (the symbol of the womb) atop their head as their royal crown, except for the Mother of Civilization herself. —YOU! The Moabite / Moorish / Asiatic / African Woman.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 06:04:11 +0000

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