These are all the amazon reviews so far: 5.0 out of 5 stars A - TopicsExpress


These are all the amazon reviews so far: 5.0 out of 5 stars A MUST READ, November 3, 2012 By Jennifer - This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Paperback) This book is a real page turner. I couldnt put it down. Story is based in one of the greatest cities, Chicago. A lot of different emotions are experienced while reading this book of one mans struggle. Highly recommended! 4.0 out of 5 stars Real, October 4, 2012 By Christine - This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Kindle Edition) Trying to keep your life together when it is constantly falling apart is no easy task. Being in the bar business isnt either. As the author states you either have it or you dont. The long hours, camaraderie and craziness are all part of the package. This is the first time I have written a review. Just wanted to give the author kudos for putting together a good book that I feel was very true to the experiences. A few minor editing details didnt take away from the story but does explain the 4 instead of 5 stars. As a former bartender and sufferer of mental illness I greatly enjoyed this book. 3.0 out of 5 stars Not what I expected..., October 11, 2013 By sam - This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Kindle Edition) This book was definitely not what I expected when I picked it because of the title.......Its not about a person who is writing about his life in prison.....Not at all. It is a story about a mans life as a bartender and his struggle to survive with a mental illness. 3.0 out of 5 stars Interesting take on Bipolar Disorder, October 3, 2013 By Robin - This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Paperback) I liked the fact that is readable, and it flows and it has some poignancy and suspense. The author/narrator states that he has probably read less than five books in his life, and it shows in his punctuation. Other than that, it is worthy of a quick read because it depicts the suffering that can result from a struggle with Bipolar Disorder and tells a sweet but doomed love story. I read both the first and second editions. 4.0 out of 5 stars Great story, just needs some polish., April 12, 2013 By LakeviewLatina - This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Paperback) This was a great story. Since I am from the Chicagoland area, I had a fun time trying to figure out the bars and hangouts that were thinly veiled. There were some grammatical mistakes, but nothing that a good editor cant fix. I look forward to reading more about Jeff. 1.0 out of 5 stars Editor ?, April 10, 2013 By Pete - This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Kindle Edition) It became a game for me to highlight all the spelling and grammatical errors. The stories became repetitive and forced me to skim the remaining chapters. 4.0 out of 5 stars Real life, great ride, March 5, 2013 By carla - This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Kindle Edition) I loved that this book is so raw and so real. When your done with the book you feel like you REALLY know JEff. The path his life took was a rough one , but its nice to see that you can get through anything with the right help and the right people iyour life. It also left me wanting more. I want to know how his life continues to go. I hope there is a second book! 1.0 out of 5 stars None, January 31, 2013 By Susan - This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Kindle Edition) This book is awful. This is the first review I have ever written. It is self indulgent and arrogant. He seems extremely selfish and if he is just half as good as he seems to think he is why cant he hold a job......just plain awful. 4.0 out of 5 stars Page-turner, January 16, 2013 By Lawrence This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Paperback) Rather engaging and decent read, but the author needs a skilled editor. Being a bit of a grammar fascist- I need good grammar to read a book- I found the story to be broken up by simple grammar mistakes. Now, on to the review...WOW! Whether the book is entirely fiction or autobiography or a fine blend of both, this book is a great read! There were very few moments of inaction- the protagonist is always moving. The instances of inaction always lead to something that will suck you back into the tale, bringing it to a manic high point without letting up. Look out for this author...hopefully he will create some more literature for us and (God, I hope so) get an editor. 5.0 out of 5 stars A TERRIFIC BOOK !!!, June 7, 2011 By grateful - This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Paperback) Mr. Echterling has written a work of social importance as well as literary merit in his first published manuscript. my...Life behind Bars is really two books, one is the story of an urban bartender. The other, far more profound, chronicles the story of a young man coming of age in the late twentieth century, and his struggles with a society that doesnt have a place for him. Echterling tells this story of a man trying to find himself handicapped with bi-polar disorder and its roller-coaster mood swings, his inability to hold a job or a relationship and his increasingly complex relationship with his family. All are drawn out in fine and vivid detail, in a brutally blunt fashion. In Echterlings book, its as if everything is constantly in flux, a dizzying kind of emotional and pragmatic freefall in which you never know whats going to happen next. And thats really the whole point...neither does the central character. My...Life behind Bars is a story of survival, hard won and at a big cost. It isnt pretentious and you wont see it everywhere. But if you pick it up, I guarntee that youll finish it. Its that good. 3.0 out of 5 stars my life behind bars, 26 Oct 2012 By beccy - This review is from: my...Life behind Bars (Kindle Edition) It was a hard read for me this book I dont know why as I was really looking forward to reading it. I do find with some books my concentration is not good enough to keep myself on track and I think that maybe this was the case as it is a book with a lot of detail in it. I am sure that if I was to reread it then I wouldnt find it that way but I dont think I will be doing that anytime soon. I am sorry it isnt a better review as I said I was looking forward to reading it.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 15:23:23 +0000

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