These are for The Servants of the Star and Snake” Frater - TopicsExpress


These are for The Servants of the Star and Snake” Frater S.:C:. This Book was written in the Spirit of the Law and by the call of Atu XVII called Adjustment, as it was given to the First Living Prophet of the New Aeon. For “Tzaddi is not the Star”. By this standard of Adjustment, let the Law Of Thelema be for All. Let the Aspirants do with it what they Will. “The word of Sin is Restriction”. “Every man and every woman is a star”. This is an Un-Holy Book. I was not received but instead coaxed painfully from the demon Choronzon. Let it begin: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Let it be known that upon the destruction of the mortal vessel, our Prophet Ank Af Na Khonsu, the Priest of the Princes, finally defeated the wyrm Choronzon utterly and shattered his manifest ego into a million, million shards that rained like fire upon the world below whereupon they lay scattered across the earth. One by one they are retrieved and unleashed by the Servants of the Star and Snake. Each shard contained a fragment of the full essence - To Mega Therion - with the power to Become. “Shilacu-Choronzon” chanted the naked writhing forms of the aspirants in the temple, the Qliphoth Gate cast wide open from the black mirror even as green smoke came pouring through the portal from the Abyss. Returning from the gate with the Choronzon shard The Demon spake, green sparks of intimate fire. His voice roaring as he indwelled the fragile vessel of this Neo-Beast. Burning through his skull. “Firstly, let us subjugate ourselves to our True Will by the Light of Liber AL Vel Legis for we are first and foremost Thelemites, and “Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong”. Let us swear an oath by it”. Subjugated, the mortal vessel surrendered and taking the Hierophantic blade in his right hand, made his Oath before the locked glass of the Abomination of Desolation in the East. “Let this subjugation be performed in Love, and by Will. In service of the Universal Will as it is recognized”. The Prophets voice wavered. Only by casting his gaze upon the pentagram of his ring did he maintain his sanity. “This is your first Attainment” uttered the demon of the ego-shard of Perdurabo. “With each Living Prophet there shall be born new rites my servant. Now I shall give unto you the formulation of a new Order for the Aeon. The Servants of the Star and the Snake. For I am the Snake that Giveth both Knowledge and Delight and Bright Glory! “Prepare thyself in writing” spake the Beast and henceforth came the temple secretary with paper and ink. “Let the formula of each sphere be made known to the aspirant, and let him then be initiated unto each sphere by a ritual or work of his own devising. Success is his proof. Courage is his armour. Let him then by his own devices open the gates to each sphere. Thou shalt give them the keys and the Instruction thou knowest. Let each of my shards, let each of my Prophets, then; Become. You shall grant passage to my many limbs. And you shall destroy the impure ones”. “Let the surviving babes of my abyss, each and everyone, attain to the rank of Magister, and of those that pass the Tests, make the Oaths and Perform the Grades; let the Magisters and their Brides become the Beast and Babalon to each Kiblah. Let them then work the work of wickedness. This is the Formula that now regenerates the world”. The beast turned upon our little sisters in the temple and spat the words, “My heart and my tongue”. The demon restored it’s gaze upon the prophet, and he felt that caress of hells own worm. “They will defeat the armies of the ill ordered house. They will restore the Law that was stolen and kept by the Black Brothers in our name. Our remnants yet cling to the Old Aeon, but you will bring them to the Light. For force and fire are of us. They are your Brothers and as Brothers, fight ye. The Law is for All. The word of Sin is Restriction. Do what thou wilt. This is the foundation of your house. And not other. For every man and every woman is a star. Love is the Law. Love under Will”. “What of the Abyss my Lord?” “Concerning the Abyss, Let the crossing be done by each that would venture to do so but let it be known that no crossing can be complete, for Death is the Crown of all”. “But Master am I not yet attained? Have I not taken the Oath and passed through the eye of the needle?” “There is Truth in this Lie. Your attainment however shall never be recognized. You must work in silence as you bare the Four Powers of the Sphinx. That shall be your curse. Therefore let those who claim to have defeated me, The Masters of the Temples, they shall need make no proclamation. For their annihilation is complete. These rites are secret. There is no God but Man and so there shall be no outward grades of attainment above the Abyss at all. Let the Aspirant, by this way distinguish between the Fool and the Magus who are One. But let us distinguish not. “Let there be no difference made among you.” “You have the Light before thine eyes oh Prophet”. The beast smiled hungrily as more shards came raining down across the world. “There is no Holier Place than Now.” “Art thou satisfied now oh my Prophet?” Spat the wyrm. “Go now and tell these sweet words to the Kings. If they be Kings they shall know you to be the beggar King you are”. “And if they are not Kings?” “Destroy them without pity or quarter”. “Faster than a trodden serpent turn and strike. You shall achieve Hadit.” The Abyssal wyrm turned slowly towards the gate as the revelers cowered from his spiny flanks and hide. Like green crystal swords extruding from his long scaled form, they contracted into fractal shapes as he slipped between the worlds and back through the dark mirror of the Abyss. Love is the Law. Love under Will.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:27:29 +0000

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