These are not decent, creative men . . . they are henchmen, lazy - TopicsExpress


These are not decent, creative men . . . they are henchmen, lazy self important pariahs. They bring a level of shame and pain to Australian public life that is bad for all of us. No good ever comes from trampling down those who are weakened by fear and oppression, lost, in need, asking for help or refuge. None whatever. And these two clowns ponce about on large salaries in expensive suits and Commonwealth cars terrorising the unemployed, the young, the sick, the poor and those seeking help or asylum. They think they are leaders. I think they are sadly mistaken. That so many truly decent people have to endure the hurt and hardship they peddle is a national moral disgrace. In the end I wonder how such damaged individuals are able to position themselves to do such damage to my country . . . and then I look at the Australian media and realise we have a fundamental problem. The ABC has run scared of the Liberal Country Party for way too long . . . knowing todays too hard questioning will be tomorrows vengeful dismantling. The private media no longer even pretends to be impartial. And so we are left to deal with the repetitive drivel of the Fox chatter journalists, ex Liberal staffers and neo-liberal social climbing wannabes, silly commentators who bolster each others unintelligent bigotry and it passed off for the fourth estate . . . and the result . . . ? We end up with grinch politicians who dont really need to know anything other than how to collect a salary and an unbelievable pension which they would deny to everyone else in the country. Its been a year of highs and lows for most of us . . . and these two low lifes pretty much point to the nadir of the political year weve experienced. Only Christopher Pine and his ventriloquists doll the execrable Bronwyn Bishop could challenge them for a lower ranking in my year . . . and given some of the arseholes that abound on the political stage that is saying something.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 01:42:39 +0000

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