These are the foundation and the main pillars that make - TopicsExpress


These are the foundation and the main pillars that make Chiropractic a very distinctive profession. 1.- the body has the ability to heal itself 2.- the central nervous system (made up by the brain and spinal cord) controls every single function in the body. 3.- the central nerve system is protected by the skull and the spine (both made up by the hardest tissue: bone) 4.- the spinal cord which is an extension from the brain runs inside and along the spine 5.- the spine is made up usually by 24 moveable vertebrae and 9 fused (sacrum and coccyx) 6.- each vertebra articulates with a vertebra above and below and a disc separates them. 7.- peripheral nerves coming from the spinal cord passing through a "hold" made within two vertebrae and then go and spread through the entire body: organs, muscles, bones, cells and so on. 8.- the spine not only protects the central nerve system but also allows the body to move and gives support to other structures 9.- commonly our body and mind need to cope either with its internal environment or with the external environment 10.- commonly our body and mind are exposed to three main factors: Trauma; Toxins, Thoughts (emotions) 11.-health comes from within and not from outside 12.- because we do not feel pain at all it means we are healthy 13.- vertebra "subluxation" is a term used by chiropractic to defines when one vertebra or more have displaced from their normal position and have lost the normal mobility and/or they start to interfere with the flow of neural information coming from the brain towards the body or viceversa 14.- if the central nerve system is interfered then, it may lead to a symptom or to a problem 15.- pain is often the last thing we feel. When pain comes probably we may be facing a bigger problem 16.- chiropractic is a Greek words that means: "done by hands" 17.- a chiropractor is a health practitioner who specialises to analyse the spine looking for any sign of vertebra subluxation 18.- a chiropractor has the specific training, skills and finesse to delivery a specific manual adjustment to removed the vertebra subluxation (manual manipulation of the spine) 19.- the job of any chiropractor then is to check the spine, find a subluxation, adjust to remove the subluxation and leave the body to do what the body does best, heal 20.- the job of a chiropractor is then to promote the normal function of the body, promoting on you a healthy spine and allowing the central nerve system to work without interference thus, the body can works at its optimal level of functionality 21.- a chiropractor does not limit their job just to the spine or the central nervous system. Any joint or part of the body can be assessed 22.- a chiropractor also helps and gives advice for; posture, exercises In summary: Chiropractic is a health profession that specialises on the spine and the nervous system. Chiropractic does not treat disease (s) rather look for the cause of the disease (s) and treat the cause (s). Chiropractic manual adjustment is safe and gentle. Chiropractic does not just "crack" your spine or bones. Chiropractic as a healing art that you and I know today has been assisting people with their health issues since the late 1800. Chiropractic assists with the optimal function of the body thus, it may promote health. Chiropractic helps does not limit to the spine only. It also helps with muscle injuries, joint injuries, postural problems. Chiropractic may be the smart choice to be and keep healthy. Prevention is better than cure! HLC. 2013
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:38:49 +0000

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