These following Scriptures leave no room for jesus/yeshua or - TopicsExpress


These following Scriptures leave no room for jesus/yeshua or christianity or religion at all. None. Heres how it was contrived: Heres the Scriptures that say among much more to kill false prophets that try to change things. These following Scriptures from book of Deuteronomy carry the reader from that present day , clear to the return of THE Scattered Tribes . Clearly. Without mention of a way to come that will change a single word. In fact says dont change a word. Kill those that try to. jesus/yeshua is not a new covenant, it is a false covenant. With a Roman contrived god inserted at the top of your temple. The video explains it all very well. You cannot continue on in these lies of your fathers. Please think for yourselves. Watch this video. And come to terms with who you are. You have an overwhelming love for your Creator? I think you would be one of the Tribes of Israel . These lies we are under are meant to alienate us from who we really are. Be Israel. Not a Roman man-god worshipping statistic. Deuteronomy 4 1 “And now, O Yisra’ĕl, listen to the laws and the right-rulings which I am teaching you to do, so that you live, and shall go in and possess the land which יהוה Elohim of your fathers is giving you. 2 “Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it , so as to guard the commands of יהוה your Elohim which I am commanding you. 3 “Your eyes have seen what יהוה did at Baal Peʽor, for יהוה your Elohim has destroyed from your midst all the men who followed Baʽal Peʽor. 4 “But you who are clinging to יהוה your Elohim are alive today, every one of you. 5 “See, I have taught you laws and right-rulings, as יהוה my Elohim commanded me, to do thus in the land which you go to possess. 6 “And you shall guard and do them, for this is your wisdom and your understanding before the eyes of the peoples who hear all these laws, and they shall say, ‘Only a wise and understanding people is this great nation!’ 7 “For what great nation is there which has Elohim so near to it, as יהוה our Elohim is to us, whenever we call on Him? 8 “And what great nation is there that has such laws and righteous right-rulings like all this Torah which I set before you this day? 9 “Only, guard yourself, and guard your life diligently, lest you forget the Words your eyes have seen, and lest they turn aside from your heart all the days of your life. And you shall make them known to your children and your grandchildren. 10 “The day when you stood before יהוה your Elohim in Ḥorĕḇ, יהוה said to me, ‘Assemble the people to Me and I make them hear My Words, so that they learn to fear Me all the days they live on the earth and teach them to their children.’ 11 “And you came near and stood at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain burned with fire to the heart of the heavens – darkness, cloud, and thick darkness. 12 “And יהוה spoke to you out of the midst of the fire. You heard a voice of words, but saw no form, you only heard a voice. 13 “And He made known to you His covenant which He commanded you to do, the Ten Words, and He wrote them on two tablets of stone. 14 “And יהוה commanded me at that time to teach you laws and right-rulings, for you to do them in the land which you pass over to possess. 15 “Therefore, diligently guard yourselves, for you saw no form when יהוה spoke to you at Ḥorĕḇ out of the midst of the fire, 16 lest you should do corruptly and shall make for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure – the likeness of male or female, 17 the likeness of any beast that is on the earth or the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the heavens, 18 the likeness of any creature that creeps on the ground or the likeness of any fish that is in the water under the earth; 19 and lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens, and shall see the sun, and the moon, and the stars – all the host of the heavens – and you be drawn away into bowing down to them and serving them, which יהוה your Elohim has allotted to all the peoples under all the heavens. 20 “But יהוה has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace, out of Mitsrayim, to be His people, an inheritance, as it is today. 21 “And יהוה was enraged with me because of your words, and swore that I would not pass over the Yardĕn, and that I would not enter the good land which יהוה your Elohim is giving you as an inheritance. 22 “For I am to die in this land, I am not passing over the Yardĕn, but you are passing over, and shall possess that good land. 23 “Guard yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of יהוה your Elohim which He made with you, and shall make for yourselves a carved image in the form of whatever יהוה your Elohim has forbidden you. 24 “For יהוה your Elohim is a consuming fire, a jealous Ěl. 25 “When you bring forth children and grandchildren, and shall grow old in the land, and shall do corruptly and make a carved image in the form of whatever, and shall do what is evil in the eyes of יהוה your Elohim to provoke Him, 26 “I shall call the heavens and earth to witness against you on that day, that you soon completely perish from the land which you pass over the Yardĕn to possess – you do not prolong your days in it but are completely destroyed. 27 “And יהוה shall scatter you among the peoples, and you shall be left few in number among the gentiles where יהוה drives you. 28 “And there you shall serve mighty ones, the work of men’s hands, wood and stone, which neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell. 29 “But from there you shall seek יהוה your Elohim, and shall find, when you search for Him with all your heart 1 and with all your being. 30 “In your distress, when all these words shall come upon you in the latter days, then you shall return to יהוה your Elohim and shall obey His voice. 31 “For יהוה your Elohim is a compassionate Ěl, He does not forsake you, nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them. 32 “For ask now of the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that Elohim created man on the earth, and ask from one end of the heavens to the other end of the heavens, whether there has been a Word as great as this, or has been heard like it. 33 “Has a people heard the voice of Elohim speaking out of the midst of the fire, as you have heard, and live? 34 “Or has Elohim tried to go and take for Himself a nation from the midst of a nation by trials, and by signs, and by wonders, and by battle, and by a strong hand and an outstretched arm, and by great fearsome deeds, according to all that יהוה your Elohim did for you in Mitsrayim before your eyes? 35 “You have been shown it, to know that יהוה Himself is Elohim; there is no one beside Him. 36 “From the heavens He let you hear His voice, to instruct you, and on earth He showed you His great fire, and you heard His words out of the midst of the fire. 37 “And because He loved your fathers, therefore He chose their seed after them, and brought you out of Mitsrayim with His Presence, with His great power, 38 to drive out from before you nations greater and stronger than you, to bring you in, to give you their land as an inheritance, as it is today. 39 “And you shall know today, and shall recall to your heart that יהוה Himself is Elohim in the heavens above and on the earth beneath; there is none else. 40 “And you shall guard His laws and His commands which I command you today, so that it is well with you and with your children after you, and so that you prolong your days on the soil which יהוה your Elohim is giving you for all time.” Deuteronomy 13 1 “When there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he shall give you a sign or a wonder, 2 and the sign or the wonder shall come true, of which he has spoken to you, saying, ‘Let us go after other mighty ones – which you have not known – and serve them,’ 3 do not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for יהוה your Elohim is trying you to know whether you love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being. 4 “Walk after יהוה your Elohim and fear Him, and guard His commands and obey His voice, and serve Him and cling to Him. 5 “And that prophet or that dreamer of dreams is put to death, because he has spoken apostasy against יהוה your Elohim – who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim and redeemed you from the house of bondage – to make you stray from the way in which יהוה your Elohim commanded you to walk. Thus you shall purge the evil from your midst. 6 “When your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter, or the wife of your bosom, or your friend who is as your own being, entices you secretly, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other mighty ones’– which you have not known, neither you nor your fathers, 7 of the mighty ones of the people which are all around you, near to you or far off from you, from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth – 8 do not agree with him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pardon him, nor spare him or conceal him, 9 but you shall certainly kill him. Your hand is first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people, 10 and you shall stone him with stones until he dies, because he sought to entice you away from יהוה your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, from the house of bondage. 11 “And let all Yisra’ĕl hear and fear, and not again do any such evil matter as this in your midst. 12 “When you hear someone in one of your cities, which יהוה your Elohim gives you to dwell in, saying, 13 ‘Some men, sons of Beliyaʽal, have gone out of you midst and led the inhabitants of their city astray, saying, “Let us go and serve other mighty ones” ’ – mighty ones whom you have not known – 14 then you shall inquire, search out, and ask diligently. And see if the matter is true and established that this abomination was done in your midst, 15 you shall certainly smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, putting it under the ban, and all that is in it and its livestock, with the edge of the sword. 16 “And gather all its plunder into the middle of the street, and completely burn with fire the city and all its plunder, before יהוה your Elohim. And it shall be a heap forever, never to be built again. 17 “And none of that which is put under the ban is to cling to your hand, so that יהוה turns from the fierceness of His displeasure and shall show you compassion, love you and increase you, as He swore to your fathers, 18 when you obey the voice of יהוה your Elohim, to guard all His commands which I command you today, to do what is right in the eyes of יהוה your Elohim. Deuteronomy 30 1 “And it shall be, when all these words come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you shall bring them back to your heart among all the gentiles where יהוה your Elohim drives you, 2 and shall turn back to יהוה your Elohim and obey His voice, according to all that I command you today, with all your heart and with all your being, you and your children, 3 then יהוה your Elohim shall turn back your captivity, and shall have compassion on you, and He shall turn back and gather you from all the peoples where יהוה your Elohim has scattered you. 4 “If any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under the heavens, from there יהוה your Elohim does gather you, and from there He does take you. 5 “And יהוה your Elohim shall bring you to the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it. And He shall do good to you, and increase you more than your fathers. 6 “And יהוה your Elohim shall circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed, to love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being, so that you might live, 7 and יהוה your Elohim shall put all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate you, who persecuted you. 8 “And you shall turn back and obey the voice of יהוה and do all His commands which I command you today. 9 “And יהוה your Elohim shall make you have excess in all the work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, and in the fruit of your livestock, and in the fruit of your ground for good. For יהוה turns back to rejoice over you for good as He rejoiced over your fathers, 10 if you obey the voice of יהוה your Elohim, to guard His commands and His laws which are written in this Book of the Torah, if you turn back to יהוה your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being. 11 “For this command which I am commanding you today, it is not too hard for you, nor is it far off. 12 “It is not in the heavens, to say, ‘Who shall ascend into the heavens for us, and bring it to us, and cause us to hear it, so that we do it?’ 13 “Nor is it beyond the sea, to say, ‘Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it to us, and cause us to hear it, so that we do it?’ 14 “For the Word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart – to do it. 15 “See, I have set before you today life and good, and death and evil, 16 in that I am commanding you today to love יהוה your Elohim, to walk in His ways, and to guard His commands, and His laws, and His right-rulings. And you shall live and increase, and יהוה your Elohim shall bless you in the land which you go to possess. 17 “But if your heart turns away, and you do not obey, and shall be drawn away, and shall bow down to other mighty ones and serve them, 18 “I have declared to you today that you shall certainly perish, you shall not prolong your days in the land which you are passing over the Yardĕn to enter and possess. 19 “I have called the heavens and the earth as witnesses today against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore you shall choose life, so that you live, both you and your seed, 20 to love יהוה your Elohim, to obey His voice, and to cling to Him – for He is your life and the length of your days – to dwell in the land which יהוה swore to your fathers, to Aḇraham, to Yitsḥaq, and to Yaʽaqoḇ, to give them.” Deuteronomy 31 1 And Mosheh went and spoke these words to all Yisra’ĕl, 2 and he said to them, “I am one hundred and twenty years old today. I am no longer able to go out and come in. And יהוה has said to me, ‘You do not pass over this Yardĕn.’ 3 “יהוה your Elohim Himself is passing over before you. He shall destroy these nations from before you and you possess them. Yehoshua himself is passing over before you, as יהוה has spoken. 4 “And יהוה shall do to them as He did to Siḥon and to Oḡ, the sovereigns of the Amorites and their land, when He destroyed them. 5 “And יהוה shall give them over to you, and you shall do to them according to all the command which I have commanded you. 6 “Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be afraid of them. For it is יהוה your Elohim who is going with you. He does not fail you nor forsake you.” 7 And Mosheh called Yehoshua and said to him before the eyes of all Yisra’ĕl, “Be strong and courageous, for you are going with this people to the land which יהוה has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you are to let them inherit it. 8 “And it is יהוה who is going before you, He Himself is with you. He does not fail you nor forsake you. Do not fear nor be discouraged.” 9 And Mosheh wrote this Torah and gave it to the priests, the sons of Lĕwi, who bore the ark of the covenant of יהוה, and to all the elders of Yisra’ĕl. 10 And Mosheh commanded them, saying, “At the end of seven years, at the appointed time, the year of release, at the Festival of Booths, 11 when all Yisra’ĕl comes to appear before יהוה your Elohim in the place which He chooses, read this Torah before all Yisra’ĕl in their hearing. 12 “Assemble the people, the men and the women and the little ones, and your sojourner who is within your gates, so that they hear, and so that they learn to fear יהוה your Elohim and guard to do all the Words of this Torah. 13 “And their children, who have not known it, should hear and learn to fear יהוה your Elohim as long as you live in the land you are passing over the Yardĕn to possess.” 14 And יהוה said to Mosheh, “See, the days have drawn near for you to die. Call Yehoshua, and present yourselves in the Tent of Meeting, so that I command him.” And Mosheh and Yehoshua went and presented themselves in the Tent of Meeting. 15 And יהוה appeared at the Tent in a column of a cloud, and the column of a cloud stood above the door of the Tent. 16 And יהוה said to Mosheh, “See, you are about to sleep with your fathers. And this people shall rise and whore after the mighty ones of the strangers of the land into the midst of which they shall enter, and forsake Me and break My covenant which I have made with them. 17 “Then My displeasure shall burn against them in that day, and I shall forsake them and hide My face from them, and they shall be consumed. And many evils and distresses shall come upon them, and it shall be said in that day, ‘Is it not because our Elohim is not in our midst that these evils have come upon us?’ 18 “And I shall certainly hide My face in that day, because of all the evil which they have done, for they shall turn to other mighty ones. 19 “And now write down this song for yourselves, and teach it to the children of Yisra’ĕl. Put it in their mouths, so that this song is to Me for a witness against the children of Yisra’ĕl. 20 “And I shall bring them to the land flowing with milk and honey, of which I swore to their fathers, and they shall eat and be satisfied and be fat, then they shall turn to other mighty ones, and they shall serve them, and scorn Me and break My covenant. 21 “And it shall be, when many evils and distresses come upon them, that this song shall answer before them as a witness. For it is not to be forgotten in the mouths of their seed, for I know their thoughts which they are forming today, even before I bring them to the land of which I swore to give them.” 22 And Mosheh wrote this song the same day, and taught it to the children of Yisra’ĕl. 23 And He commanded Yehoshua son of Nun, and said, “Be strong and courageous, for you are to bring the children of Yisra’ĕl into the land of which I swore to them, and I Myself am with you.” 24 And it came to be, when Mosheh had completed writing the Words of this Torah in a book, until their completion, 25 that Mosheh commanded the Lĕwites, who bore the ark of the covenant of יהוה, saying, 26 “Take this Book of the Torah, and you shall place it beside the ark of the covenant of יהוה your Elohim, and it shall be there as a witness against you, 27 for I myself know your rebellion and your stiff neck. See, while I am still alive with you today, you have been rebellious against יהוה, then how much more after my death? 28 “Assemble unto me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, so that I speak these words in their hearing and call the heavens and the earth to witness against them. 29 “For I know that after my death you shall do very corruptly and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you. And evil shall come to you in the latter days, because you do what is evil in the eyes of יהוה, to provoke Him through the work of your hands.” 30 So Mosheh spoke in the hearing of all the assembly of Yisra’ĕl the words of this song till their completion: Deuteronomy 32 1 “Give ear, O heavens, and let me speak; And hear, O earth, The words of my mouth. 2 “Let my instruction fall as rain, My speech drop down as dew, As fine rain on the tender plants, And as showers on the grass. 3 “For I proclaim the Name of יהוה, Ascribe greatness to our Elohim. 4 “The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are right-ruling, An Ěl of truth and without unrighteousness, Righteous and straight is He. 5 “A twisted and crooked generation has corrupted itself, Their blemish, they are not His children. 6 “Do you do this to יהוה, O foolish and unwise people? Is He not your Father, who bought you, Who created you and established you? 7 “Remember the days of old, Consider the years of many generations. Ask your father and let him show you, Your elders, and let them say to you: 8 “When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance When He separated the sons of Aḏam, He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the children of Yisra’ĕl. 9 “For the portion of יהוה is His people, Yaʽaqoḇ His allotted inheritance. 10 “He found him in a wilderness, And in a wasted, howling desert. He encompassed him, He made him understand, He watched over him as the apple of His eye. 11 “As an eagle stirs up its nest, Flutters over its young, Spreading out its wings, taking them up, Bearing them on its wings. 12 “יהוה alone led him, And there was no strange mighty one with him. 13 “He made him ride in the heights of the earth, And he ate the fruit of the fields, And He made him to draw honey from the rock, And oil from the flinty rock, 14 “Curds from the cattle, And milk of the flock, With fat of lambs, And rams of the breed of Bashan, And goats, with the choicest wheat; And you drank wine, the blood of the grapes. 15 “But Yeshurun grew fat and kicked; You grew fat, you grew thick, You are covered with fat; So he forsook Eloah who made him, And scorned the Rock of his deliverance. 16 “They moved Him to jealousy with foreign matters, With abominations they provoked Him. 17 “They slaughtered to demons – not Eloah – Mighty ones they did not know, New ones who came lately, Which your fathers did not fear. 18 “You neglected the Rock who brought you forth, And forgot the Ěl who fathered you. 19 “And יהוה saw, and despised, Because of the provocation of His sons and His daughters. 20 “And He said, ‘Let Me hide My face from them, Let Me see what their end is, For they are a perverse generation, Children in whom there is no trusting. 21 “They made Me jealous by what is not Ěl, They provoked Me with their worthless matters. But I make them jealous by those who are no people, I provoke them with a foolish nation. 22 “For a fire was kindled in My wrath And burns to the bottom of She’ol, And consumes the earth and its increase, And sets on fire the foundations of mountains. 23 “I gather evils upon them, I use up My arrows upon them – 24 “Wasted by scarcity of food, And consumed by heat and bitter destruction, And the teeth of beasts I send upon them, With the poison of serpents of the dust. 25 “The sword bereaves from the outside, And fear from within, Both young man and maiden, Nursing child with the man of grey hairs. 26 “I said, ‘I should blow them away, I should make the remembrance of them To cease from among men, 27 ‘If I did not fear the enemy’s taunt, Lest their adversaries misunderstand, Lest they say, “Our hand is high, And יהוה has not done all this.” ’ 28 “For they are a nation lost to counsel, And there is no understanding in them. 29 “If they were wise, They would understand this, They would consider their latter end! 30 “How would one chase a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight, Unless their Rock had sold them, And יהוה had given them up? 31 “For their rock is not like our Rock – Even our enemies are judges. 32 “Their vine is of the vine of Seḏom And of the fields of Amorah; Their grapes are grapes of gall, Their clusters are bitter. 33 “Their wine is the poison of serpents, And the fierce venom of cobras. 34 ‘Is it not stored up with Me, Sealed up among My treasures? 35 ‘Vengeance is Mine, and repayment, At the time their foot slips; For near is the day of their calamity, And the matters prepared are hastening to them.’ 36 “For יהוה rightly rules His people And has compassion on His servants, When He sees that their power is gone, And there is no one remaining, Shut up or at large. 37 “And He shall say, ‘Where are their mighty ones, The rock in whom they sought refuge? 38 ‘Who ate the fat of their slaughterings, And drank the wine of their drink offering? Let them arise and help you, Let it be a hiding-place for you! 39 ‘See now that I, I am He, And there is no Elohim besides Me. I put to death and I make alive. I have wounded, and I heal. And from My hand no one delivers! 40 ‘For I lift My hand to the heavens, And shall say: As I live forever, 41 ‘If I have sharpened My flashing sword, And My hand takes hold on judgment, I shall return vengeance to My enemies, And repay those who hate Me. 42 ‘I make My arrows drunk with blood, And My sword devours flesh, With the blood of the slain and the captives, From the long-haired enemy chiefs.’ 43 “O nations, acclaim His people! For He avenges the blood of His servants, And returns vengeance to His adversaries, And shall pardon His land, His people.” 44 Then Mosheh came, with Yehoshua son of Nun, and spoke all the words of this song in the hearing of the people. 45 And when Mosheh ended speaking all these words to all Yisra’ĕl, 46 he said to them, “Set your heart on all the words with which I warn you today, so that you command your children to guard to do all the Words of this Torah. 47 “For it is not a worthless Word for you, because it is your life, and by this Word you prolong your days on the soil which you pass over the Yardĕn to possess.” 48 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh that same day, saying, 49 “Go up this mountain of the Aḇarim, Mount Neḇo, which is in the land of Mo’aḇ, which is opposite Yeriḥo, and look at the land of Kenaʽan, which I give to the children of Yisra’ĕl as a possession, 50 and die on the mountain which you ascend, and be gathered to your people, as Aharon your brother died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people, 51 because you trespassed against Me in the midst of the children of Yisra’ĕl at the waters of Meriḇah Qaḏĕsh, in the Wilderness of Tsin, because you did not set Me apart in the midst of the children of Yisra’ĕl. 52 “For you are to look at the land before you, but not enter there, into the land which I am giving to the children of Yisra’ĕl.”
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 16:54:14 +0000

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