These last few days have been a challenge for me and Ive learned a - TopicsExpress


These last few days have been a challenge for me and Ive learned a lot from them. There are truly times when silence is the best response one can give. In trying to help someone I love and provide a perspective on life that we all miss when it comes to the ones we love I ended up causing LOTS of unnecessary pain. Life is referred to as a cycle for a purpose, we are all recycled materials, natures way. Our souls take on flesh and we experience an earthly sojourn in the flesh. When that sojourn is done we shed the flesh, which under natural circumstances begins to fail when our time is nigh and our innergies or spirit is released. What we do while we inhabit the flesh is most important since our deeds are what we will be remembered, immortalised, perpetuated by thus we live, some would say vicariously, in and through others who in turn carry on that cycle. Though having a genetic, flesh offspring is a divine gift and a sure way of perpetuating oneself some have had such strong spirits that they have INspired many and as a consequence they have been (re)incarnated by many. Ive seen many a people weep oceans because the prognosis their pet received was disfavourable,some have applied on site for credit to take care of pets that would survive a few days in the best of scenarios but WE hold on to them because WE dont think its time and as WE satisfy OUR desires they die in anguish. Theres no acceptable way to let loved ones go, some loved ones have even opted to have their support taken away to the refusal of relatives, friends and family who didnt think that the time is right. We worry about death which seems final and it is, however we have the ability to conquer it in more ways than one and we share the privilege of being able to inhabit multiple bodies i=as we fulljjoy the afterlife once our works have been deserving. By no means am I comparing loved ones with loved pets although Ive also met people who have placed their pets higher than some of their own relatives and its understandable once you meet some of those relatives, but I am trying to compare life, its value, its value and significance to us and how far we would go to alter the natural cycle of life while hurting those we love. Ive learned to pray and meditate on it while seeking council from those who have gone before in selecting the path BEST for the loved one and I try to prepare for whatever the outcome is since it ultimately depends on the individuals will, ability and wellbeing and our elders are strong but we must consider their wishes. My cousin/brother from another mother told me he couldnt understand his mom telling him that she had to go while preventing him from seeking help, it took him years to fully grasp it. I hope this makes sense and I havent put my foot further down my throat and if thats so PLEASE REST ASSURED that its never my intention to hurt those I love, especially that someONE.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 08:01:53 +0000

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