These videos are showing just a piece of the slaughterhouses - TopicsExpress


These videos are showing just a piece of the slaughterhouses practices. It is not in my capacity to understand how having an access to pictures and videos of slaughterhouses and having so many plant-based alternatives people still chose to eat someone’s meat that comes from pain, abuse and torture. Animals do not ‘give’ their life to us, as the sugar-coated lie would have it. No, we take their lives. They struggle and fight to the last breath, just as we would do if we were in their place. They hearts beat just as same as ours, and this is not a matter of a believe or philosophy or any religion. We know meat production and other forms of animals exploitation are evil but for some incredibly strange reasons silently participate and give permission to mental and sadistic butchers to take millions of innocent lives every day. Oh, and we truly believe we are sensitive, wise and enlightened people. We are very often religious or have artistic souls, we mediate, we are self-developed and well educated. Don’t we help children of Cambodia and save elephants in Africa? Don’t we donate local dogs shelters before Christmas? Or loudly object to mass killing dolphins in Japan? Don’t we protest to cutting down rainforests? Don’t we have walks by the sea to be close to our beautiful nature? Of course we do! And shame on these haunters who illegally kill birds! But meat? It is so difficult without meat, Oh we cannot live without meat. We like meat. We crave for meat. We used to be vegetarian but it is too difficult. Our body needed meat. We need protein. We don’t eat red meat only chicken and seafood. Don’t vegetables feel pain? We apologise to vegetarians at the table but we have to admit this piece of bloody steak was incredibly delicious. We feel very sorry that meat is produced in this way. We choose free-ranged meat. But no one should impose their fanatical beliefs to us. We are free people and we can decide whether we believe that animals feel pain while they are slaughtered and let bleeding to death or not. Or if they have emotions to their new born children that are taken away from them so our children can drink their mothers’ milk. Or if they feel fear while being abused. They are just animals. Piece of brainless lower beings. And when our day is calling off we sit on a leather sofa with a plate filled with a piece of a breast or wing or leg or other piece of someone’s fragmented body while the slaughterhouses turn their lights on. The Holocaust continues. Bon appetite.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 22:56:04 +0000

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