They are Our Progenitors, Forefathers, and Foremothers. And yet we - TopicsExpress


They are Our Progenitors, Forefathers, and Foremothers. And yet we have become strangers. For while they have kept their ancient proven ways, we have ventured forth upon unknown foreign roads, in alien crafts, to become strange unto them, and unto ourselves. They remain children and stewards of the sacred Earth and resident members of the invisible spirit world we refuse to see. We are their children and, like wayward children, we believe we know better than they. We mock and scorn them and their ways as ignorant, backwards, and primitive. We call them strange and savage, yet we descend upon them in our alien vessels to exterminate them, abduct them, transport them, enslave them, rape and molest them, experiment upon them, mutilate and market their culture and their bodies, and alter and control their minds and behaviors. We confiscate and steal their abundant fertile lands and strip them of the wealth of resources they have well and considerately preserved for millenia. We have destroyed much of them with our arrogance, lust, greed, genocides, massacres, purges, wars, crusades, jihad, development programs, inquisitions, torture, tourism, prejudice, imprisonment, debt enslavement, indoctrination, education, assimilation, digestion, and excretion. We deny their citizenship in their own lands and deport them to wastelands, detainment camps, reservations, shanty towns, favelas, barrios, ghettos, housing projects, cities, and suburbs to laugh at them in their homelessness, poverty, shame, alienation, and despair. And yet they remain our foremost hope. They are the meek who shall inherit the Earth. For they were firstborn of the Earth. They have meekly sacrificed greatly to protect and maintain the ways of the Earth, the ways of the invisible spirit world which manifests as our material world, and the ways of the Great Spirit which manifests All. If we are to remain upon the Earth, and save ourselves from our own foolish self destruction, we must return to our cultural parents the place of honor which is their right. We must soften our hearts, unlock our minds, open our eyes, and turn back to relearn their wisdom and restore their justice. We must honor, protect, preserve, learn, and expand their abundant, sustainable, efficient, peaceful, joyful, respectful, loving, sharing, and interconnected ways. We must reconnect and commune with our own shared diversity, our own innate, native, and indigenous humanity. We must reconnect that which has been disconnected.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 22:40:52 +0000

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