They are all instructions, spoken through the mouth of venerable - TopicsExpress


They are all instructions, spoken through the mouth of venerable Babaji, I realized thats what: individual living being is an eternal servant of Lord Krishna. Forgetting to Krishna, the soul finds shelter in a material body and under the influence of a material nature, Maya, is the material world or happiness or suffering. As a reward for its material activities on the girl wears a Garland of birth, old age, disease and death. Sometimes it comes in a decent body, sometimes in despicable. It overcomes the birth of the birth, and every time she has a new view of themselves. Being in a fragile material body, whose existence can be interrupted at any time, it is the rival of hunger, thirst and other needs, makes a variety of actions. Without the ability to achieve what she wants. The material body is aging over time and gives it in different ways. With his wife and children have consistently resulted in a quarrel, and it sometimes brings a person to suicide. To get the money, the man commits many sins. The body of a žuvomu substance have to suffer when it punishes the ruler when it offend the neighbors, when there is an infinite variety of other problems. Sometimes a man has to endure separation from loved ones, sometimes he loses his wealth, sometimes robbing thieves. Time and again, the soul must undergo all kinds of suffering. When a man grows old, his relatives refuse to take care of him. It gives him untold suffering. In drâhlom the body accumulates mucus, rheumatism torments him and countless other diseases. In the end the soul leaves the body life unfit for. Then nature again pushes her in the womb. But while the soul lives in the material body, it is suffocating under the weight of lust, anger, greed, empty illusions, pride and envy. Such is life in the material world. Now I understood the meaning of the expression material world. I again and again in deference to the Holy feet of Babaji pripadaû. The vaishnavites are true spiritual teachers around the world. Thanks to the grace of vaishnavas I managed to learn the truth about the material world. Bhaktivinoda Thakur Jive Dharma
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 16:14:19 +0000

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