They dont have any meaningful solution to bombings, - TopicsExpress


They dont have any meaningful solution to bombings, kidnappings,killings now and then thats becoming the new normal...oh, they pray to the same god/allah that started the problem to save them. Thats why we now have more refugees than the WWII(2nd world war). The passive, so-called gentle believers, keep saying those extremists dont understand the holy books that are fraught with the same violence by their god/allah, and fighting prophets they hold in high reverence...they get angry when you show them the holes in their faiths. This is a SHAME when blind denial is accepted as sanity in mans world. You poor guy decided that the only solution is to leave this madness behind, now they say you are the mad one. Its the story of the crabs in a basket. This world is a joke, a big JOKE!!!...just like Muslims shouting if one kills an innocent man he has killed the whole humanity...THEN humanity have died over million times in the hands of Muslims. Or the question is , what does an innocent man mean in the Koran?...Christians that pray to Jesus, atheists, Muslims that leave Islam, Buddhists...,and if they die in the hands of Muslims, does allah send innocent atheists to heaven. Seriously this statement is the liquor delusion are made., it means nothing.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:16:22 +0000

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