They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Last night, you got - TopicsExpress


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Last night, you got the picture--so tonight, here are a thousand words. :) As most of you have learned by now, Greyson came home last night on his 8-week birthday. If you were surprised by that, imagine how his parents (thats us) felt when they found out... In last weeks update, I shared that Greyson had been having a little bit of trouble with some of his feeds. He seemed to wear down at the end of them, and in his exhaustion, he would sometimes forget to hold his breath while sucking--thus choking. This would kick-off a chain reaction where he would get a little reflux and bear down to protect his airway. This resulted in him holding his breath, after which his heart rate would drop. The doctors didnt seem too concerned, and attributed it to developmental immaturity as opposed to any significant medical issue. Remember that most preemies dont even attempt a bottle until 34 weeks gestational age, and Greyson was bottling and breastfeeding at 32 weeks. As such, a little extra time to adjust was not unexpected. We met with the speech therapist a couple of times to confirm that everything in his throat was mechanically working correctly. They were quick to point out that despite their occupational name, Greyson would not be learning to talk during our sessions. Darn. :) Everyone was of the consensus that wed just continue to monitor him for a few more days, and basically just wait for him to outgrow the issue. The closer he gets to term, the easier it becomes for him to take a bottle. He has not had any of these issues when breastfeeding. On Monday, I came to the hospital for lunch with Tiffany and to visit the boy. Since Mondays are his weekly birthdays, I try to spend as much time with him on those days as possible. She came down from his room, and we met in the cafeteria. I greeted her with what has become my normal greeting over the past couple of months: What news from the doctors? She couldnt contain herself, and quickly asked how I would feel about taking him home that afternoon. I dont remember exactly how I responded, but I know there was a loud, WHAT?! involved. It was so unexpected. Based on his status over the weekend, and the fact that he had two tests scheduled for later this week, I was convinced it would be Friday at the earliest. Tiffany was ecstatic. I was excited, of course, but immediately descended into analysis mode to ensure we had everything in place at home, nothing outstanding to buy, etc. As you know, weve been ready for a couple of weeks, but when faced with the reality of it all, I think a little bit of that new parent panic snuck in. I didnt have much appetite due to all the nerves, but we ate anyway and reviewed our next steps. I headed back to the office to wrap up whatever I could, and Tiffany took a load of stuff from his room home to make transport easier in the evening once they cleared him for discharge. A couple hours later, we met at my office to drop off one of the cars so we could ride home together as a family. When we arrived at the hospital, and began the security process, it was extremely surreal to know it would be our last time. Upon arrival to his room, we met with the nurse to review and sign our discharge paperwork. Other nurses who had taken care of him began to stop by to congratulate us and tell us how excited they were, and surprised to see a 27-weeker go home this early. I took the car seat out to the car to install, while they called for transport to wheel Tiffany out with Greyson in her arms just like a new mommy. We met back in the room, and did one last check to ensure we had everything. The hospital gave us all kinds of supplies that will help make the transition so much easier since we are used to using those specific items in his care up to this point. And with that, we left the NICU for the last time. With each corner we took, we got more excited, because Greyson had never been this far away from his room before. Staff and guests alike told us congratulations as we passed by. Im sure that most had no idea how long we had been there, since we look just like all the other newborn families that make this same trek. A few friends had stopped by to help us out to the car. We snapped a few pictures, strapped him into his car seat, and we were off! Most nerve-wracking drive of my life I think... it had been storming so the roads were slick, and I was carrying precious cargo. When we arrived home safe and sound, we took him inside and realized that the nightly goodbyes were over. Our little boy was finally home where he belongs. We built this house to have room to grow a family. For the first time since June 16th, the emptiness we had felt was filled. For 56 days straight, we have been visiting the hospital multiple times a day. We moved to 11 different rooms, and received care from 8 doctors and nearly 90 amazing nurses who have become our friends. Weve spent 8 Sabbaths and 8 Sundays by his side. Weve put almost 4,000 miles on the car. Weve said goodbye hundreds of times. And while I hope we never have to endure this again, Im proud of my family and our experiences. Im proud of Greyson and the strength hes shown, and the expectations he shattered during his stay. Im proud of Tiffany and the strength she has shown. There is a special physical bond between a mother and her baby that I have now witnessed first hand. No mom should have to endure what Tiffany did, and Im amazed at her ability to handle it with grace and still share her love openly and freely with me through it all. Weve reached the close of this arduous first chapter, and open the next one with enthusiasm. Thank you all for your love and support these past couple of months. You truly cannot know how much your likes and comments have meant to us on here. Im sure there will be more updates to come. For now, please enjoy a few photos from our journey home.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 03:05:17 +0000

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