They say everything that has a begining must surely come 2 an - TopicsExpress


They say everything that has a begining must surely come 2 an end.We welcomed RAMADAN with high spirits,we fervently grasped this rare opportunity & prayed to d Most High to grant us mercy & bliss in this world & d here after.Our lives, Nigeria nay d world @ large is now better. And above all let us not forget d lessons we"ve learnt from this sacred visitor(RAMADAN).With thirst,hunger, during d day;sleepless nyts spent praying 2 d Almighty Allah during d nyt with mosquitoes as our guards;d joy felt while sharing a piece of DABINO with a fellow comrade;d hope that Galoh instilled in us;d exercising of patience & perseverance i saw in Warsaw while conducting his affairs,all these made this period more exciting. But 2 all those that i encountered during this Holy period i regard them as my superiors,because i learned something from them. When it came to an end,we celebrated it with pomp & peagentry.The Eid Fitr marked d high point,muslims came out differnt garbs & attires chanting" Allahu Akbar WalillahilHamd" enmasse to pray & supplicate 2 d Almighty in an open field rejuvenated,instigated & energised. As we enter Shawwal i salute fellow comrades that we stood together in rows crying,praying,supplicating & craving to d God that never was.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 12:26:49 +0000

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