They say “prayer is the key to heaven—but, faith unlocks the - TopicsExpress


They say “prayer is the key to heaven—but, faith unlocks the door.” I knew this way before October 1996 when I went through a test of faith. This test began one night after working late for several days to complete a project. After completing the project, I went to bed and immediately became paralyzed with an unfamiliar fear and anxiety that attacked me without warning—this intensified after my prayer for comfort and relief seemed to bounce off the ceiling, I was at the worst state I had ever experienced in my life. Desperately needing comfort, and feeling spiritual abandonment, I uttered words of defeat, in essence saying “Satan if you would back off—I’d be a good boy” After uttering such none sense I immediately felt very ashamed and embarrassed and I saw the sadness in Christ face. He knew, at that moment that I was at the end of my rope. Somehow, I struggled through the night to make it to the next day. The next morning, I called up my son to take me to the emergency room. When I arrived at the emergency room, the attending doctor ordered chest ex-rays; MRI’S ETC., none of which suggested any abnormality—I insisted that something was wrong, I thought I was going crazy--he merely replied that it was all in my head. After prescribing valium, I was released and went back home. That night, I was determined to continue praying until I felt the presence of God—this I did and went to bed. I vividly remember, as I lie on my bed, the spirit of God engulfed me, assuring me of his presence. I recall smiling and feeling very secure, while one tall Angel with a very stern demeanor, dressed in Roman type garbs, including a helmet, stood at the left side of my bed post. Other angels surrounded my bed as well—that night, satanic forces fought fiercely to penetrate the protective perimeter these angels provided to protect me, but to no avail—I felt safe and secure. This is one example in my life, clearly demonstrating to me, that God will not let us go through more than we can handle. I described this ordeal as the worst experience of my life. Those who have not suffered a bout of anxiety/depression cannot imagine what it’s like. If someone would offer me the title of king of the world and all the money, gold and earthly resources of the world with the condition that I must live my life in perpetuity in the manner I experienced, such offer would be rejected without hesitation. My prayer and sympathy goes out to anyone going through this very debilitating condition—they too can overcome and find relief through faith—never give up and never stop praying.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 02:54:19 +0000

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