Things that have made me happy since Saturday, when we moved in - TopicsExpress


Things that have made me happy since Saturday, when we moved in this house: 1. I MADE BISCUITS! They were light, fluffy and golden brown. They were not burnt on the bottom, burnt on the top, and gooey in the middle. AHHHH....a real oven. 2. I have cooked supper every night, except last night and I let Jadyn cook last night. I did not leave the kitchen so hot and sweaty I felt sick to my stomach and I actually enjoyed eating what I cooked. AHHH....Central heat and air. 3. I did laundry....during the day! I ran my dryer and it did not make the entire house hot and humid. I have a laundry room.....with a DOOR! AAHHH... laundry rooms! 4. I turned my key in the lock and the locks just open....on the first time.....with no wiggling. What does this mean? I can get every single bit of whatever I can carry into the house without having to set it all down in order to get the persnickety house unlocked, breaking a sweat, and cussing in front of the neighbors.......AHHHH...locks that work!. 5. I took a shower, a HOT shower, with water pressure, while the washing machine was running AND nothing else in the house backed up. OH- and it is RAINING today and NONE of my sinks, tubs, or washer has backed up or even drained slowly. AAAHHHH..... plumbing! 6. I walked through my house in socks, barefoot, or with shoes and have not gotten a single sticker. AAAHHHH......uhm lack of stickers in the yard I never have to walk through because of an awesome GARAGE and correctly placed sidewalk! :) 7. I took a long hot bath while my husband took a nice hot the same time. Then went to the same time. Did I mention they were BOTH hot? water heater manufactured AFTER the wheel was invented. 8. I have carpet in the bedrooms and closets...but NOT the bathroom or kitchen! AAHHH..... flooring installed by someone who actually inhabits a home with other people. 9. I can see all of my clothes, can stand and look at them to pick something out, then reach over and get the matching shoes off of a shelf. I do not have to dig through a cramped closet and dig my shoes out of a pile! AAHHHH....walk in closets! 10. I walked all the way around my bed and did not run into one single solitary thing.! okay, I know there are much much more, but I need to go apply for more jobs now and then unpack more boxes. :)
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 01:01:39 +0000

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