Things yo parents never told u; That one day am going to grow old - TopicsExpress


Things yo parents never told u; That one day am going to grow old u may have to bend yo ear to listen to me. That the day is coming when what will disturb me most will look like sickness but its old age and the cure is just u by my side not yo many doctors. That when u grow older ur going to take care of me even if I have a million dollars in the bank, like a child Ill break yo heart with my seeming helplessness. That for all the love u have for me, I can only move forward and will certainly go before u ever do, especially if u keep good discipline and fear God. That calling yo name will not be really because am in pain but ur better medicine than all. Just calling yo name, and I want u here. Let me leave it here for now See, young men and women many of us never realize this til its like too late while we were taking things simply thinkn dads just not feeling fine hell be ok, just a few doctors here and there once and its done. We still have in mind the zei we used to play football with 15 years ago, we dont want to believe that just like a flower, aging rips people of everything they were and often happens in an instant and visiting the hospital becomes like goito school. Certainly many of us youth dont like this, we feel our personal time and life is being interrupted and made comfortable. We pray asking God for miracles not necessary because we want the old man or woman healed but because we want to rid ourselves of what weve called a burden. What does scripture say? Why arent yo prayers answered, isnt it because of jealous selfishness among u? Paraphrase. We take old man to the hospital and wish to dump them their and just pay bills and helpers nurses and doctors thats if the money is there. But while all that may not be bad, the bad thing is weve distanced ourselves from our very own parents and trying to deny them the right to grow old, the same journey were taking and might soon be treated the same. We know how to swing the magic stick in the name of Jesus be healed and live long upto 90 n more and be well coz we want them in health fit and jumping high but never want to acknowledge that age comes at a price also. And this price well attended to can be overcome coz there are those who have made it there so can u. I remember telling dad happy 62nd probably 63rd birthday live to make 90. N he looked at me smiled and said hope I will in a tone that seemed to imply thats too long, n I think am at the corner That certainly didnt sound good in my ears but I said to myself atleast Ive said it, words have power. Sure they do. But the day he began wearing, the speed I cudnt catch up except for Gods grace. My heart convinces me hes with the lord. But looks like he was ready when it came, no surprises just the pain. What am I driving to? I see many posts on facebook of people speaking about their dads or mums in hospital critical conditions and pleading with God to help intervene friends pray etc. Times the ordeal is done and zei is back on track, then again month later another post, same thing same person. And all look like theyre ignorant about this aging thing. U live in denial claiming aging doesnt exist while ur right in the face of it. The old man who used to cain u ten sticks of the cane is now selective with foods, acting like a baby, sleeping all the time, u call them and they cant hear u. All this is heart breaking. But the earlier u discover this the better. Ur now the woman or man of the house, stop acting like a child to get two babies under the same roof. Understand zeis business and business partners, u now have two phones to pick ur zeis secretary and business partner, u make decision on who should and should not see the old man. Make sure his /her breakfast, dinner, supper is ready on time, bed well laid and sleeping time its u that rolls the covers on their head after praying with them goodnight and turn off the light. First thing early morning check on them before u go to work, make sure everything is in place plus their food to eat the rest can do hunger management classes. If u want zei around long enough to see great grand kids, stop being a child and take the old man seriously. I know u feel ur getting late for marriage, work, club and all but all that wont benefit u if this old man gets messed up. Draw a good plan on how to juggle all these together multitask never forget yo parents. Europe and America is full of these forgotten parents. In Africa we send them grand kids, gud, but be there also and when yo there do some work visit the kitchen organise the house make them feel at rest and loved. Thats medicine stronger than many. If u brought them home make their stay welcome love them all the way, thats good health to them. Those things of many doctors, best hospitals and in Jesus name while pushing off yo dear parents may only work for a while til u love them enough to pray for them and find the right doctor for them. These things ur never told but are certain. Some of us never know why our parents would build grannies quarters or room at the main house but beyond the parent child relationship is the child parent relationship. This stage is so critical that it remains deadly some children get so lost in here wondering to leave their ailing parents or not and they either end up abandoning them fed up or trapped theyre failing to even work yet they have their degrees or fail to get married on the same. Theres ways of beating aging ; Trusting the youth renewing God. Usefully visiting the gym. Avoid retirement age just keep going. As for the village folk digging keeps these folk fit I dono how... Keep going
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:51:25 +0000

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