Things you may not know about Leo 1--- I was born and raised - TopicsExpress


Things you may not know about Leo 1--- I was born and raised Irish Catholic 2--My grandfather was forced to marry a woman he got pregnant and the child that was born was my Father 3--My grandfather almost killed his son once in a barn when he didnt move fast enough to help him- my Uncle Leo had an 8 pronged pitchfork thrown at him by granddad and was almost killed 4--both of my parents are buried 40 miles apart as my Fathers last wishes were Do not bury me next to that Woman ! 5--My wife and I are Evangelical Mennonites 6--If that raises an obvious question in your mind that you would not like my answer perhaps you should read on 7--I voted for Harper but after watching him sing a Beatle song on YouTube I wont anymore 8-- Those of you who think you know me from work or Facebook would be or will be wondering later-- Should I delete him? 9--I dont believe in the New Age or in any other lifestyle or belief which contradicts the Bible 10--Yes I believe in a god of Love but I also believe in a God of Holiness 11--I also believe in the Devil-- done business with him and there is that past again-- I also believe in a Heaven to gain and a Hell to avoid 12--I believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ 13-- If you see me only as a Poet you have missed the real me--Poetry allows the introvert me to be creative 14--Leo is an Introvert? --- well like Greta Garbo used to say --I want to be alone 15--I had long hair in high school way past my shoulders and my outstanding characteristic in school was--- Silence 16-- the first girl I fell in love with was Heather Cameron--- every time I hear the word Heather my mind races back-- she rejected me tho as she said I am not good enough for you Leo-- I didnt care as I wanted her 17--my wife and I were separated in 2009 till 2010 and this June 2nd it will be 35 years 18--I have never published any of my poems 19--I feel the need to visit my ancestral home if Ireland some day 20--I have over 300 books-- used to be 1000 21-- Both my wife and I are. Grandparents 22--I am 60 years old 23--I was a Mennonite Pastor in Baden for 3 years from 93--96 24----I keep thinking I need to learn to play either a Banjo or Guitar or a Mandolin 25--even tho my Christian views will bother some -- I still respect others for their views and have friends who are Gay ,Straight ,Christian ,Pagan 26-- Some days I would like to quit work without warning and do something more rewarding for others and never a Retail again 27--Even tho I am an Introvert I love to stand up I front of hundreds and talk 28---I used to write out all of my sermons and then type them all 29--I have along with family members seen a UFO 4 times and my 5 the encounter came one night after I was a Pastor and left a church meeting --- ask me sometime and I will tell you what happened 30-- If you ever get me in a coffee shop sometime and ask me what happened in high school in my last year I will tell you but I can guarantee you that it will wake you up to my past really quickly 31--I have had close encounters with almost being killed so I am left wondering. A lot if there is someone I am supposed to reach even here on Facebook or work or somewhere else. And show them how much God loves them-- and when I have done so who knows maybe that will be Graduation Day to Heaven for me 32-- I dont know how I write as I do-- with a pen and my blue notebook I simply start to write and the words flow 33--- Fort those of you who by the end of this decide to delete me as a friend feel free to do so 34--- I push myself to talk to others at work--I love parks quietness old bookstores coffee shops--- those in the church know me more than others do As for me right now I feel the need to get off Facebook and do what introverts like to do be alone-- read--- watch a movie---relax I dare all of my Facebook friends to list things about themselves as I have done
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 02:05:00 +0000

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