Think Country wide, Act Homely, Socially & Spirituality for Nation - TopicsExpress


Think Country wide, Act Homely, Socially & Spirituality for Nation & its Development all aspects of Life & for Humanity. ॐ Namo ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ Namo ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ Namo ॐ The first duties of the True, Pure, Genuine Leader, Reformer is to Educate the masses FIRST from Primary classes for Nationalism, Patriotism & than for Culture , Service & Duty for welfare of Humanity & Nature : Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Akash (Sky, Ether, Infinite) to over come the Global Warming. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Good Governance cannot remain merely a philosophy. Concrete steps have to be taken for realizing its goals. This is true Politics to form Government *ॐ~ PM NDM ( Narendra Mod)i~ॐ* Do not be afraid of Previous Darkness.- Is about to Divine Dawn. We hear the Divine Thunder . A Divine Lion of Maa Divine Durga in which riding the Shri Narendra Modi ji is to coming destroy the Demons of Country. The Burning Country with corruption & so forth. The corrupt Leaders & their Government has to on Downfall due to their Immoral Character. Every Moment hearing with my own ears . The Divine Shri , Shri & Shri 108 Narendra Modi ji is Emerging & coming to survive the Divine Country....! *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ॐ* Shri Narendra Mosi is Great Leader After Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shatri, Atal Bihari Vajpayee who were having the Moral Character in Mind, Thoughts & Deeds(Karma). It is the last chance of the public of India to elect shri Modi ji as a P.M. of India so we can again reach in the ancient india with all aspects of development. India Stands for Socially, Religiouslly, Spirituality & Peace and for Aggression to any Country & Religion. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~ॐ* In the pure blood of Divine Sages and bones of Indians, they were not intrested in invasion, fighting, War & conversion of other religions people in to their Divine Religion. India has been never defeated by anybody. India simply allowed anybody to Invade; they welcomed them. The country was peacful since ancient time of Rishis: there was enogh food, enough space- what did it matter if a few more people were absorbed ?. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* There is a Divine Reason (of Lord Natural Laws), for it. It is Fortunate (Bhagyashali): because of this, however much we may suffered, we have not made others suffer. We have endured slavery but we have not enslaved anyone else. To enslave others requires much Torture & so called discipline. We could not accomplish such a Materilistic thing as other Religions & Countries following since Ancient time. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* श्री* ॐ~श्री*~* ॐ~श्री*~ ॐ~श्री*~ ॐ*श्री** ॐ*श्री*श्री**ॐ*श्री* The first duties of the True, Pure, Genuine Leader, Reformer is to educate the masses FIRST for Nationalism, Patriotism & than for service & Duty for welfare of Humanity & Nature : Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Akash (Sky, Ether, Infinite) to over come the Global Warming. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* उलझ मत दिल बहारों में, बहारों का भरोसा क्या । Dont mess with the heart & mind of Bliss, How can be trust on bliss ?. सहारे टूट जाते हैं, सहारों का भरोसा क्या ॥ Break the faith always, Dont be believe on support. तमन्नाऐं जो तेरी हैं, ...फुहारें हैं ये सावन की । Desires which are in your mind , They are like Showers of Sawan (Rainy Season ). फुहारें सूख जाती है, फुहारों का भरोसा क्या ॥ Showers are always dried, What is the reliability of the shower. तू इन फूले गुब्बारों पर, अरे दिल क्यों फिदा होता । You ballooning these bloated, Why heart is lovet hem?. गुब्बारे फूट जाते हैं, गुब्बारों का भरोसा क्या ॥ Balloon collapse, How you trust onBallooning . तू सम्बल नाम का लेकर, किनारों से किनारा कर । Support of you by name (Naam, Jewel of God), Distanced themselves from the edges. किनारे टूट जाते हैं, किनारों का भरोसा क्या ॥ The Bank break; Trust edges. The make believe Do so at your own donor. अगर विश्वास करना है, तो कर अपने ही दाता पर । If you want to faith & believe, Beleive in your Lord. धनी अभिमानी लोभी, दुनियादारी का भरोसा क्या ॥ Rich, arrogant, grasping Dont trust Worldliness . परम् प्रभु की शरण लेकर, (माया) विकारों से सजग रहना । Surrender to our Lord, Alert from mental tendencies (vices). कहां कब मन बिगड जाये, माया-विकारों का भरोसा क्या ॥ When you submerged in Vices?. Dont believe in mental tendencies. तू अपनी अक्लमंदी पर, विचारों पर न इतराना । Dont have ego on your wise & intellect, These are temporary. जो लहरों की तरह चंचल, विचारों का भरोसा क्या ॥ Like wave of ocean they are unstable, Dont beleive on your intellect. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* ॐ~श्री*~ॐ*श्री*ॐ~श्री*~ॐ*श्री* ॐ *श्री *ॐ*श्री*ॐ*श्री* *श्री *ॐ*श्री*ॐ*श्री* आदमी को देखकर, डर रहा है आदमी !, आदमी को लूटकर, घर भर रहा है आदमी !, मारता है आदमी, और मर रहा है आदमी ! । The Man, seeing a Man afraid !; After robbing a Man, a Man around the house !, Kills Man, and Dying Men.! *ॐ~Guru Tattwa Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* मंदिर, मस्जिद, गिरजाघर में बांट दिया भगवान को, धरती बांटे, सागर बांटे, मत बांटो इन्सान को । Temple, Mosque, Church of God in the split, Earth divided, ocean divided, not human has to divide. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* *ॐ~श्री*~ॐ~श्री*~ॐ~श्री*ॐश्री*श्री*ॐश्री*~ॐॐश्री*~ॐॐश्री*~ॐश्री* The IMBIBE Qualities of Leadership for Reform the Every Country of World. * ॐ ~Ancient Chankya~ ॐ* (1). A leader should be down to Earth like Mahatma Gandhi. If he becomes High- Fly he can be carried off the centre & crash. (2). A wise leader should first select a person by his good work and then should delegate him the work. (3). The leader should not take all the credit for what happens. He should have no need for FAME. (4). A Moderate Ego in the Leader, Demonstrates his wisdom. (5). A Leader should remain open and receptive . He should not take sides. (6). HE should remain Conflict -Free and should be in a position to breathe freely and remain relaxed even in the presence of passionate fears and desires. (7). He should learn to lead in a nourishing manner, should be Gentle and shoid not Dominate nor should be Coerce. (8). A Leader should know what is emerging and should keep CALM with whatever are the Results. (9). A Leader should not be emotional and possessive. (10). A Leader should be a Good Man. * ॐ ~Ancient Chankya~ ॐ* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEIN, MOTHER TERESA, GANDHIJI, POETYCA, PRARBDHA facebook/pages/Kaushal-Bansal/183270601722361 Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. Only One God ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE i.e. *{Holy Human}* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEIN, MOTHER TERESA, GANDHIJI, POETYCA, PRARBDHA
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 02:27:02 +0000

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